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tkxxs 0.1.3

TKXXS provides a very simple and very easy to use GUI (graphical user interface) for Ruby; It gives you a persistent output window and popping up (modal) dialogs for input; For a screenshot, see: <tt></tt>; I tested it on Windows, only; Got user report, that it works on Ubuntu, too. TKXXS shall: * improve the usability of little applications, which otherwise would use a command line interface (CLI); for example by a GUI-file chooser * give a simple GUI front-end for apps, which take parameters on the command line. (stdout can easily be redirected to the OutputWindow.) * take only little more effort and coding time over programming a CLI; * be able to easily upgrade existing CLI-applications; * be comfortable in use (e.g. provide incremental search, tool-tip-help, ...); * be easy to install. Drawbacks: * I'v tested it only on Windows, but got user report, that it works on Ubuntu, too.l * For sure some more drawbacks which I'm not aware of now. TKXXS uses TK (easy to install).




  1. 0.1.3 January 06, 2014 (68.5 KB)
  2. 0.1.2 January 05, 2014 (68 KB)
  3. 0.1.1 January 01, 2014 (67 KB)
  4. 0.1.0 January 01, 2014 (67 KB)

Runtime Dependencies (1):

Platform ~> 0.4.0

Development Dependencies (2):

hoe ~> 3.5
rdoc ~> 3.10



  • Axel Friedrich

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 11,173

For this version 3,663

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: None
