RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para timeliness La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren timeliness

ms_rest 0.7.6

Azure Client Library for Ruby.

22.387.395 Descargas

validates_timeliness 6.0.1

Adds validation methods to ActiveModel for validating dates and times. Works with multi...

14.602.511 Descargas

timeliness-i18n 0.12.1

Translations for the timeliness and validates_timeliness gem.

258.978 Descargas

ae-validates_timeliness 4.0.0

Adds validation methods to ActiveModel for validating dates and times. Works with multi...

59.415 Descargas

dataflow-rb 0.18.1

Helps building data pipelines. It handles recomputing dependencies and parallel execution.

36.267 Descargas

data_kit 0.0.13

Library for ingesting, analyzing and normalizing datasets in various formats

35.835 Descargas

bpl_enrich 0.0.8

Methods for enriching and standardizing metadata.

19.516 Descargas

schema-inference 1.3.0

Supports inferring tabular schemas from deep nested structures.

17.591 Descargas

magick_columns 0.0.4

Tokenize a simple strings and builds an ActiveRecord query

16.639 Descargas

mxd_tracker 0.1.6

This gem allows you to get shipment data for MXD carriers.

15.374 Descargas

natour 0.12.0

natour provides an application and a library to document nature activities.

12.648 Descargas

sp-validates_timeliness 3.1.3

Adds validation methods to ActiveModel for validating dates and times. Works with multi...

7.242 Descargas

feedstock 0.3.0

Feedstock is a Ruby library for extracting information from an HTML/XML document and in...

6.231 Descargas

bplmodels 0.0.93

Common Boston Library repository models.

6.124 Descargas

ms_rest2 1.0.0

Azure Client Library for Ruby.

4.204 Descargas

elb2logstalgia 1.0.2

Translate AWS ELB logs to Logstalgia custom format.

3.979 Descargas

Total de descargas 39.992.454

Para esta versión 1.538.466



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
