RubyGems Navigation menu

timecop 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 timecop

warden-hmac-authentication 0.6.4

This gem provides request authentication via [HMAC](

573,073 下載

aptible-auth 1.2.5

Ruby client for

571,333 下載

snowplow_ruby_duid 1.1.0

A gem that exposes the Snowplow domain userid in Rack applications. Also allows you to ...

567,886 下載

istox 0.3.9

istox backend shared gem

566,249 下載

elasticity 6.0.14

Streamlined, programmatic access to Amazon's Elastic Map Reduce service, driven by the ...

559,407 下載

timber 3.0.1

Log Better. Solve Problems Faster.

557,732 下載

sidekiq-throttler 0.5.1

Sidekiq middleware that adds the ability to rate limit job execution.

556,271 下載

ftpd 2.1.0

ftpd is a pure Ruby FTP server library. It supports implicit and explicit TLS, IPV6, p...

552,809 下載

test_track_rails_client 7.1.1

Easy split testing and feature flagging for Rails with TestTrack server

544,929 下載

more_core_extensions 4.4.0

MoreCoreExtensions are a set of core extensions beyond those provided by ActiveSupport.

533,977 下載

isodoc 2.10.4

isodoc converts documents in the IsoDoc document model into Microsoft Word and HTML. T...

526,295 下載

timerange 0.0.4

Time ranges for Ruby

519,610 下載

azure-armrest 0.15.0

This is a Ruby interface for Azure using the newer REST API. This is different than the...

505,795 下載

fake_braintree 0.8.0

A fake Braintree that you can run integration tests against

504,712 下載

azure-storage-file 2.0.4

Microsoft Azure Storage File Client Library for Ruby

492,335 下載

instrumental_agent 3.0.0

This agent supports Instrumental custom metric monitoring for Ruby applications. It pro...

489,479 下載

kibana_url 1.0.1

Builds complex ULRs for Kibana with all settings prefilled.

489,087 下載

activerecord-delay_touching 1.1.0

Batch up your ActiveRecord "touch" operations for better performance. ActiveRecord::Bas...

485,764 下載

azure-storage-queue 2.0.4

Microsoft Azure Storage Queue Client Library for Ruby

484,783 下載

metanorma-standoc 2.8.11

metanorma-standoc realises standards following the Metanorma standoc model This gem is...

465,453 下載

timer 0.3.0

Simple timer to perform a block and display the elapsed time.

456,963 下載

crono 2.0.1

A time-based background job scheduler daemon (just like Cron) for Rails

456,484 下載


FlyData Agent

456,133 下載

stbaldricks 12.15.0

Ruby library for accessing and integrating with the St. Baldrick's Foundation API

445,738 下載

rack-affiliates 0.4.0

If the user clicked through from an affiliated site, this middleware will track affilia...

444,738 下載

chamber 3.1.0

Chamber lets you source your Settings from an arbitrary number of YAML files and provid...

441,925 下載

inst-jobs-statsd 4.0.1

Stats reporting for inst-jobs

438,917 下載

spice 1.0.6

Spice is a zesty Chef API wrapper. Its primary purpose is to let you easily integrate y...

432,041 下載

gds-sso 19.1.0

Client for GDS' OAuth 2-based SSO

423,922 下載

saucy 0.16.1

Clearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and...

420,642 下載

總下載次數 198,291,625

這個版本 327,699



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.2
