RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para therubyracer La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren therubyracer

rspec-proxypac 0.1.1

Rspec-proxypac is an rspec plugin for easy proxy.pac testing.

5.322 Descargas

noms-command 2.1.1

Interpreter for server-defined command-line interfaces

5.250 Descargas

coffee_compiler 0.9.4

compile coffee script from ruby

5.205 Descargas

tilt-react 0.2.0

Render React.js JSX files with the Tilt templating system.

5.117 Descargas

edmond-danthes 2.1.1

Private pub/sub messaging in Rails through Faye. More Faye features supported. Based on...

5.039 Descargas

twitter-bootstrap-turbo 2.1.3

twitter-bootstrap-rails project integrates Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pi...

4.971 Descargas

causes-hydra 0.21.0

Spread your tests over multiple machines to test your code faster.

4.943 Descargas

geoloqi-sinatra-sprockets 0.0.3

Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.

4.927 Descargas

ecm_lightbox 0.0.2.pre

ECM Lightbox Module

4.589 Descargas

handlebars_rb 0.0.1

Uses he ruby racer

4.509 Descargas

coffeekupper 0.0.2

CoffeeKup compiler for Asset Pipeline

4.429 Descargas

ecm_staff 0.0.2.pre

ECM Module Template.

4.385 Descargas

bluenode 0.0.1

A subset of Node.js running in therubyracer.

4.328 Descargas

hbs_plus 0.1.3

Uses the actual JavaScript implementation of Handlebars, but supports using Ruby object...

4.311 Descargas

mekari_lvsg 0.1.2

Mekari living style guide.

4.289 Descargas

font-awesome-more 0.0.1

Font Awesome More bundled in gem for Ruby on Rails.

4.272 Descargas


Unified JavaScript runner for browser and command line

4.262 Descargas

rails31-evergreen 0.4.1

Run Jasmine JavaScript unit tests, integrate them into Ruby applications.

4.216 Descargas

spree_promotion_codes 3.1.0

Allow multiple codes for Spree Promotions

4.206 Descargas

mustache-trimmer-rails 0.2.0

Ruby lib that compiles Mustache templates into pure Javascript

4.078 Descargas

complate 0.0.2

just do it

4.077 Descargas


Generates javascript file that defines all Rails named routes as javascript helpers

4.011 Descargas

bookwatch 1.0.1

A command line utility to be run in Book repositories to stitch together their constitu...

3.982 Descargas

sprockets-typescript 1.0

TypeScript compiler for Sprockets

3.975 Descargas

semantic-ui 0.0.1

Simple wrap for semantic-ui

3.859 Descargas

ruby_on_ruby 0.0.1

An unholy amalgam of therubyracer's V8 engine and emcripted-ruby to allow truly sandbox...

3.845 Descargas

danger-js 1.0.0

Stop Saying 'You Forgot To…' in Code Review, in JavaScript

3.802 Descargas

ngauthier-hydra 0.24.0

Spread your tests over multiple machines to test your code faster.

3.753 Descargas

ember-rails-i18n 0.0.1

Use Rails I18n with Ember

3.726 Descargas

runjs 0.1.0

You can run JavaScript code from Ruby with RunJS. The supported JavaScript engines are:...

3.669 Descargas

Total de descargas 57.330.745

Para esta versión 31.808.524



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
