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test_seeds 0.0.4

Test Seeds piggy backs on the transaction fixtures functionality. Test Seeds load fixtures into the database in the same way but then start a db transaction for the duration of the test file. Any objects for the common scenarios are then created and inserted into the database. Test Seeds then execute each test case within a context of a db savepoint (or nested db transactions). This allows test seeds to be inserted into the database once and then re-used for each test case that needs it.

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  1. 0.0.4 - August 19, 2011 (10.5 KB)
  2. 0.0.3 - August 18, 2011 (10.0 KB)
  3. 0.0.2 - August 16, 2011 (10.0 KB)
  4. 0.0.1 - August 16, 2011 (10.0 KB)

Development 依赖 (4):

activerecord ~> 3.0.0
jeweler ~> 1.6.4
mysql2 < 0.3
rake >= 0



  • Paul Kmiec

SHA 256 校验和:

= 复制到剪贴板 已复制!

下载总量 14,165

这个版本 4,948


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