RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for test_construct Latest version of the following gems require test_construct

sassc 2.4.0

Use libsass with Ruby!

136,306,305 下載

sassc 2.4.0

Use libsass with Ruby!

136,306,305 下載

sprockets-helpers 1.4.0

Asset path helpers for Sprockets 2.x & 3.x applications

3,596,217 下載

sprockets-sass 1.3.1

When using Sprockets 2.0 with Sass you will eventually run into a pretty big issue. `//...

3,454,153 下載

churn 1.0.8

High method and class churn has been shown to have increased bug and error rates. This ...

2,276,731 下載

metric_fu 4.13.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...

2,024,479 下載

dapp 0.36.32

Build docker packaged apps using chef or shell

917,252 下載

homesick 1.1.6

Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind. Homesic...

160,367 下載

roger 1.10.0

See homepage for more information.

102,695 下載

sprockets-less 0.6.1

The dynamic stylesheet language for the Sprockets asset pipeline.

74,488 下載

simplygenius-atmos 0.14.0

Atmos provides a terraform scaffold for creating cloud system architectures

48,303 下載

twitter_bot_generator 0.2.3

Scaffolds a new boilerplate twitter bot project from the command line. By default w...

23,371 下載

trustworthy 0.6.0

Implements a special case (k = 2) of Adi Shamir's secret sharing algorithm. ...

22,615 下載

cff 1.2.0

See for more info.

21,803 下載

code_metric_fu 4.14.4

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...

10,632 下載

mrkv 0.1.1

given an array of source lines, builds a markov chain and generates random sentences.

5,545 下載

on_exactitude_in_science 0.1.0

Allows user to access the text of 'On Exactitude In Science' by calling a method on any...

5,508 下載

adams_song 0.1.1

Patches String class to know whether or not it is a lyric from Adams Song by Blink 182

4,168 下載

web2text 0.0.1

Scrape a website as plain text.

3,183 下載

fastruby-metric_fu 5.0.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...

2,023 下載

總下載次數 206,523

這個版本 139,088



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
