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temple 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 temple

haml 6.3.0

An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine.

142,666,060 下载

slim 5.2.1

Slim is a template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts with...

63,417,899 下载

hamlit 3.0.3

High Performance Haml Implementation

30,162,052 下载

hamlit 3.0.3

High Performance Haml Implementation

30,162,052 下载

erbse 0.1.4

An updated Erubis with block support. Block inheritance soon to come.

1,936,173 下载

hanami-view 2.1.0

A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...

571,446 下载

faml 0.8.1

Faster implementation of Haml template language.

201,770 下载

slimi 0.7.4

Yet another implementation for Slim template language.

123,511 下载

wlang 3.0.1

WLang is a general-purpose *code generation*/*templating engine*. It's main aim is to h...

88,759 下载

hyla 1.0.9

Asciidoctor Hyla - Command Line tool to create new project, watch modifications, genera...

50,149 下载

laydown 0.7.1

Provides a simple Ruby DSL for defining HTML5 layouts for web apps. For those who has w...

37,891 下载

faqml 0.3.1

A Simple FAQ Markup Language

27,253 下载

fast_haml 0.1.10

Faster implementation of Haml template language.

26,377 下载

sal 0.3.2

sal.rb is an attribute language.

25,303 下载

hamli 0.5.1

Yet another implementation for Haml template language.

24,415 下载

universe-templates 0.1.1

gem install universe-templates

7,559 下载

tongo 0.0.2

ruby template engine based on radius and liquid

7,158 下载

huml 0.0.2

Huml is to Haml what Scss is to Sass

5,885 下载

fumbler 0.0.1

Tumblr style template engine for ruby

4,538 下载

rehab 0.1.2

Simple, portable template language

3,234 下载

ezml 0.1.1

EZML (EZ Markup Language) is an elegant and fast templating engine. EZML is a layer bui...

2,095 下载

twofold 0.1.0

Twofold template engine to generate any indented source code.

1,807 下载

下载总量 156,322,039

这个版本 3,817,852



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
