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teaspoon 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 teaspoon

teaspoon-jasmine 2.9.1

Run Jasmine specs in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium Webdriver, or Cap...

5,304,183 下載

teaspoon-mocha 2.3.3

Run Mocha specs in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium Webdriver, or Capyb...

2,710,278 下載

magic_lamp 1.9.0

MagicLamp provides an easy way to get your Rails templates into your JavaScript specs.

734,057 下載

guard-teaspoon 0.8.0

Guard::Teaspoon automatically runs your Javascript tests with all the features of Teasp...

660,171 下載

teaspoon-qunit 1.20.0

Run QUnit specs in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium Webdriver, or Capyb...

219,060 下載

workarea-testing 3.5.27

Provides tooling for writing tests for the Workarea Commerce Platform.

114,055 下載

teaspoon-bundle 0.1.6

This gem is boot partial for Teaspoon that puts all the test files into a single bundle

100,488 下載

quby 5.6.4

Quby is a Rails engine that can render and update answers for questionnaires defined in...

59,978 下載

sharing_tags 0.0.18

Describe your sharing information for different contexts in one simple configuration file.

36,888 下載

ember-appkit-rails 0.5.0

Ember App Kit for Rails

33,742 下載

rails-js 0.1.1

Divide your javascript like you divide your ruby code. Put it in controllers and action...

22,050 下載

rails-js-routes 0.3.5

Divide your javascript like you divide your ruby code. Put it in controllers and action...

16,403 下載

peoplefinder 0.1.1

The peoplefinder provides searchable staff profiles for your organisation. Since it's a...

7,978 下載

alfred_rails 0.1.1.alpha

Alfred creates fixture files of your controller responses so you can use them in your t...

7,049 下載

總下載次數 8,838,795

這個版本 138,350



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7
