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tagomatic 0.1.2


Simple command-line mp3 tagger based on mp3info gem. Supports folder-specific configuration files.

Another mp3 tagger the world does not need.

But I needed it. I have a large collection of old mp3 files. From times when tagging was mostly based on the file and folder names. When v2 tags where nowhere close..

Modes of operation:

  • The tagger will try to guess the tags from the full file path by applying a set of known formats.

  • The tagger will apply specific tags given on the command-line.

  • The tagger will match specific formats given on the command-line.

  • Arbitraty combination of the before-mentioned modes.

The scanner supports recursive folder handling. Of course.

Right now v2 tags are the focus.

It is probably best to call this alpha ware.


Copyright © 2009 Daniel Lukic. See LICENSE for details.

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  1. 0.1.9 - November 04, 2009 (18 KB)
  2. 0.1.8 - November 04, 2009 (18 KB)
  3. 0.1.7 - November 04, 2009 (17 KB)
  4. 0.1.6 - November 03, 2009 (17 KB)
  5. 0.1.5 - November 03, 2009 (16,5 KB)
  6. 0.1.2 - November 03, 2009 (15 KB)
Toon alle versies (12 totaal)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (1):

Development afhankelijkheden (1):



  • Daniel Lukic

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 41.827

Voor deze versie 3.376



Required Ruby Version: Geen
