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syc-ontact 0.0.1

sycontact ========= `syc-ontact` is a command line interface for looking up contacts from any source that is providing contact information. Installation ============ `gem install sycontact` Setup ===== To use `sycontact` a source-file has to be provided. The source-file is Ruby script retrieving the data from the source. A source can be anything that can be read from the Ruby script, e.g. a web site, an LDAP server, a file with contact data. **Note:** Without a user defined Ruby script file (a Ruby module) `sycontact` will do nothing but creating a configuration file, a source directory and displaying the help page. To get `sycontact` to life you have to follow these setup steps: 1. start `sycontact` once. This will create the configuration file and the working directory 2. provide a Ruby module describing how to retrieve the data from the source. The module name has to be `some_name_source.rb`. The Ruby source code below describes a source-file that is retrieving contact data from a contact directory with the name *test-contacts* below the module's directory. ``` module AddressSource # Where to find the contact files URL = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test-contacts") # Regex to extract contact data from the contact files REGEX = { cn: /(?<=)[\w -]*(?=<\common_name>)/, sn: /(?<=)[\w -]*(?=<\/surname>)/, gn: /(?<=)[\w -]*(?=<\/given_name>)/, c: /(?<=)[\w]*(?=<\/country>)/, l: /(?<=)[\w]*(?=<\/location>)/, st: /(?<=)[\w]*(?=<\/state>)/, street: /(?<=)[\w .]*(?=<\/street>)/, o: /(?<=)[\w -]*(?=<\/organization>)/, ou: /(?<=)[\w -]*(?=<\/department>)/, title: /(?<=)[\w .-]*(?=<\/title>)/, description: /(?<=<description>)[\w -+]*(?=<\/description>)/, telephone: /(?<=<telephone>)[\w +()-]*(?=<\/telephone>)/, mobile: /(?<=<mobile>)[\w +()-]*(?=<\/mobile>)/, mail: /(?<=<email>)[\w @.-]*(?=<\/email>)/ } # Mandatory method! Will be invoked by `sycontact`. # Will lookup the contact based on the pattern provided def lookup(pattern = {}) contacts = [] create_source_files(pattern).each do |source_file| next unless File.exist? source_file source = next if source.empty? values = {} REGEX.each do |key, regex| value = source.scan(regex)[0] values[key] = value if value end contacts << values end contacts.keep_if do |contact| pattern.each.reduce(true) do |match, pattern| contact_does_not_have_key = contact[pattern[0]].nil? regex =[1].strip.downcase) pos = regex =~ contact[pattern[0]].strip.downcase unless contact_does_not_have_key match and (not pos.nil? or contact_does_not_have_key) end end end private # Creates the contact file name. In this case the contact files have to be in the form # or If neather is given all *_*.contact # files are retrieved def create_source_files(pattern) source_files = [] if pattern[:cn] names = pattern[:cn].scan(/(^[a-zA-Z]*)[^a-zA-Z]*([a-zA-Z]*)/).flatten names[0] = '*' if names[0].empty? names[1] = '*' if names[1].empty? names.permutation do |names| file = File.join(URL, "#{names.join('_').downcase}.contact") Dir.glob(file).each { |file| source_files << file } end elsif pattern[:sn] or pattern[:gn] sn = pattern[:sn] ? pattern[:sn].strip.downcase : '*' gn = pattern[:gn] ? pattern[:gn].strip.downcase : '*' Dir.glob(File.join(URL, "#{gn}_#{sn}.contact")).each do |file| source_files << file end else Dir.glob(File.join(URL, "*_*.contact")).each do |file| source_files << file end end source_files end end ``` **Listing 1: Source-file to provide information about how to retrieve contact information** Below a contact file that can be read by the above source module. ``` <common_name>Sugar Pierre</common_name> <given_name>Pierre</given_name> <surname>Sugar</surname> <country>CA</country> <location>Vancouver</location> <state>BC</state> <street>Robson Street</street> <organization>SugarYourCoffee</organization> <department>DevOps</department> <telephone>+001 (123) 4567</telephone> <mobile>+001 (765) 4321</mobile> <email></email> ``` **Listing 2: Contact file that can be read by the `AddressSource` module** Usage ===== Get help for sycontact $ sycontact -h ``` Usage: sycontact [options] -p, --print RAW|SUMMARY|ALL Print contact attributes SUMMARY (default) --cn COMMON_NAME Common name e.g. 'Jane Doe' or 'Doe, Jane' --sn SURNAME Surname e.g. 'Doe' --gn GIVEN_NAME Given name e.g. 'Jane' --uid USER_ID User ID -c COUNTRY Country in ISO 3166 e.g. 'CA' for Canada -l LOCATION City e.g. 'Vancouver' --st STATE State e.g. 'British Columbia' --street STREET Street e.g. 'Robson Street' -o ORGANIZATION Organization e.g. 'Northstar' --ou ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT Department e.g. 'R&D' --title TITLE Title e.g. 'Dr.' --description DESCRIPTION Description e.g. 'Head of R&D' --telephone TELEPHONE Telephone number e.g. '+001 (252) 4354' --mobile MOBILE_PHONE Mobile number e.g. '+001 (252) 4345' --mail E-MAIL E-Mail address e.g. '' -h, --help Show his message ``` Lookup a contact with summary output $ sycontact --cn sugar $ sycontact --cn "sugar, pierre" $ sycontact --cn "pierre sugar" Any of the above commands result in the following output ``` AddressSource CN..................Sugar Pierre C...................DE L...................Vancouver O...................SugarYourCoffee OU..................DevOps TELEPHONE...........+001 (123) 4567 MOBILE..............+001 (765) 4321 ``` Sources ======= Home page: <> Source: <> Contact ======= <>

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  1. 0.0.2 - January 18, 2014 (10.5 KB)
  2. 0.0.1 - January 18, 2014 (13 KB)

Development Dependencies (1):

rspec ~> 0



  • Pierre Sugar

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Total downloads 5,982

For this version 2,473



Required Ruby Version: >= 1.9
