sxp 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sxp
ebnf 2.6.0
EBNF is a Ruby parser for W3C EBNF and a parser generator for PEG and LL(1). Also inclu...
1,164,974 下载
sparql 3.3.1
SPARQL Implements SPARQL 1.1 Query, Update and result formats for the Ruby RDF.rb libra...
847,805 下载
rdf-n3 3.3.0
RDF::N3 is an Notation-3 reader/writer and reasoner for the RDF.rb library suite.
796,788 下载
ld-patch 3.3.0
Implements the W3C Linked Data Patch Format and operations for RDF.rb. Makes use of...
529,249 下载
shex 0.8.0
Implements ShExC and ShEx JSON.
504,780 下载
shacl 0.4.1
SHACL is an Shape Constraint engine for the Ruby RDF.rb library suite.
322,416 下载
yowl 0.4.2
Yet another OWL documentor. YOWL is a command line utility that can read a number of RD...
12,059 下载
schemerald 0.0.8
A Scheme interpreter in Ruby
3,783 下载
yarspg 0.1.0
YARSPG is an YARS-PG reader/writer for the RDF.rb library suite.
3,098 下载