Dépendances inversées pour sugarcube Latest version of the following gems require sugarcube
motion-prime 1.0.7
RubyMotion apps development framework
171 187 Téléchargements
tgios 0.0.40
A package of ruby-motion libraries written by our team.
93 978 Téléchargements
rm_vendor 0.3.3
A RubyMotion StoreKit Wrapper that allows you to buy, restore and get product info on y...
16 277 Téléchargements
gradient-view 0.1.3
== Description Sometimes you need a gradient.
13 776 Téléchargements
motion-hybrid 0.0.5
RubyMotion framework for easily making hybrid webview-centric iOS apps
13 687 Téléchargements
motion-xray 1.0.8
The simulator and RubyMotion REPL make on-device testing a painful cycle of code, compi...
11 951 Téléchargements
status_bar 0.2.3
This RubyMotion gem can show status updates in the status bar. Heavily inspired by http...
11 233 Téléchargements
motion-tube 0.0.4
Get youtube video info
10 195 Téléchargements
motion-beacon 0.0.3
detect iBeacons with nice events
8 896 Téléchargements
gengo-motion 1.0
Gengo API wrapper for RubyMotion
3 954 Téléchargements
hs 0.1.1
Generic helpers I tend to use in a lot of different apps
3 946 Téléchargements