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story_branch 2.3.0

This simple gem allows you to create a branch based on the existing issues in your preferred tracker. It integrates with PivotalTracker, Github and JIRA. Different workflows shall be supported in the next versions.




  1. 2.3.0 August 22, 2022 (27 KB)
  2. 2.2.1 August 15, 2022 (26,5 KB)
  3. 2.2.0 August 10, 2022 (26,5 KB)
  4. 2.1.0 July 20, 2022 (24,5 KB)
  5. 2.0.1 October 30, 2021 (24,5 KB)
Zeige alle Versionen (45 total)

Runtime Abhängigkeiten (12):

blanket_wrapper ~> 3.0, > 3.0
damerau-levenshtein ~> 1.3, > 1.3
httparty > 0
jira-ruby > 1.7, < 3
thor > 0.20, < 2
tty-command ~> 0.8, > 0.8
tty-config ~> 0.2, > 0.2
tty-pager ~> 0.12, > 0.12
tty-prompt ~> 0.18, > 0.18
xdg > 3.0, < 6

Development Abhängigkeiten (10):

bundler ~> 2.1, > 2.1
fakefs > 0.14, < 2
git ~> 1.5, > 1.5
ostruct ~> 0.1, > 0.1
pry ~> 0.11, > 0.11
rake >= 12.3.3, < 14
rspec ~> 3, > 3
rspec_junit_formatter ~> 0.4, > 0.4
rubocop ~> 1.22
simplecov ~> 0.16, > 0.16


Pushed by:


  • Rui Baltazar, Jason Milkins, Dominic Wong, Ranhiru Cooray, Gabe Hollombe

SHA 256-Prüfsumme:


Downloads insgesamt 66.362

Für diese Version 1.115

Version veröffentlicht:



Erforderliche Ruby-Version: >= 2.4, < 3.1
