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state_machine 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 state_machine

galvinhsiu-active_cart 0.0.20

You can use active_cart as the basis of a shopping cart system. It's not a shopping car...

10,647 下载

workit 0.0.2

workit solves the following dilemma: As a developer In order to kep track of my ti...

10,517 下载

openshift-origin-controller 1.3.4


10,366 下载

miniblog 1.0.2

This mountable engine has the basic functionality to manage a very simple blog

9,985 下载

who_can 0.3.5

An AMQP-based scatter-gather job queuing protocol library

9,802 下载

dylanvaughn-bluepill 0.0.40

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

9,344 下载

bluepill-rwgps 0.0.63

The original bluepill process monitor worked well. In 2013 several changes were introd...

9,122 下载

gvarela-bluepill 0.0.28

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

9,056 下载

click_session 0.1.1

Navigates the web for you

8,605 下载

acts_as_newsletter 0.1

Allows to send a models content as a batch e-mail to a list

8,533 下载

adhearsion-ivr 0.2.0

This provides a consistent way of implementing Interactive Voice Response prompts, incl...

7,999 下载

state_machine_history 0.2.2

state_machine history for Ruby On Rails applications

7,864 下载

My-Commerce_core 1.1.0

Required dependancy for My-Commerce

7,821 下载


Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

7,785 下载

has_messages_huacnlee 0.4.2

has_messages fork for Rails 3, Demonstrates a reference implementation for sending mess...

7,766 下载

state_machine_ext 0.2.2

state_machine extensions(state groups, find transitions)

7,652 下载


When your customer doesn't want e-commerce but actually you need products, orders and a...

6,957 下载

state_methods 0.1.0

declarative state aware method definitions

6,655 下载

the_comments_ruby 2.3.4

Comments with threading for Rails 4

6,519 下载

the_storages 0.0.2

TheStorages - act as file storage

6,467 下载

telephony 1.0.4

Call placing and handling framework.

6,260 下载

omg-networked-rfid 2.1.1

Networked RFID support library

6,190 下载

apispree_core 0.0.0

Required dependancy for API-Spree

5,877 下载

cert_watch 1.1.0

Rails engine for automatically renewing SSL certificates.

5,842 下载

aloe 0.1.0

Aloe is double-entry bookkeeping engine for Rails apps

4,876 下载

phoenix_core 0.2.1.beta

Its used for build core structure, dont contain biz.

4,794 下载

governor_states 0.1.0

Adds state machine support to Governor, the Rails 3-based blogging engine, enabling you...

4,653 下载

wijet-bluepill 0.0.33

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

4,632 下载

guard-bdd 0.0.1

Opinionated guard plugin for BDD workflow with Cucumber and RSpec

4,602 下载

mwotton-bluepill 0.0.44

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

4,428 下载

下载总量 19,120,895

这个版本 15,015,738



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