sorcerer 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sorcerer
given_core 3.8.2
Given_core is the basic functionality behind rspec-given and minitest-given, extensions...
1,683,242 下载
matest 1.7.4
Natural assertions test suite.
106,693 下载
maroon 0.8.0
maroon makes DCI a DSL for Ruby it's mainly based on the work gone into Marvin, the fir...
27,937 下载
computering 0.3.0
pretends you could type really fast
16,142 下载
volt-slim 0.1.5
This gem translate slim to volt template.
14,663 下载
borx 0.0.1.beta1
This plugin parses a piece of ruby code with ripper, rewrites it a bit and converts it ...
7,176 下载
auto_attr_init 0.0.1
Auto attribute initialization.
4,545 下载
turbo_test_static_analysis 0.1.0
Static analysis helpers
1,731 下载