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slideshow 2.2.0

The Slide Show (S9) Ruby gem lets you create slide shows and author slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language that's easy-to-write and easy-to-read. The Slide Show (S9) project also collects and welcomes themes and ships "out-of-the-gem" with built-in support for "loss-free" gradient vector graphics themes. ~~~ SYNOPSIS slideshow [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION 2.0.0 GLOBAL OPTIONS -c, --config=PATH - Configuration Path (default: ~/.slideshow) --verbose - (Debug) Show debug messages --version - Show version COMMANDS build, b - Build slideshow install, i - Install template pack list, ls, l - List installed template packs new, n - Generate quick starter sample about, a - (Debug) Show more version info help - Shows a list of commands or help for one command ~~~

= Copier Copié!



  1. 4.1.0 - February 21, 2019 (9 ko)
  2. 4.0.0 - October 27, 2017 (9 ko)
  3. 3.1.0 - May 06, 2016 (9,5 ko)
  4. 3.0.1 - April 11, 2016 (9,5 ko)
  5. 3.0.0 - April 02, 2016 (9,5 ko)
  6. 2.2.0 - July 12, 2013 (102 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (77)

Dépendances de Runtime (8):

activesupport >= 3.2.6
gli >= 2.5.6
logutils >= 0.6.0
markdown >= 1.0.0
pakman >= 0.4.0
props >= 1.0.0
RedCloth >= 4.2.9
textutils >= 0.2.0

Dépendances de Development (2):

hoe ~> 3.3
rdoc ~> 3.10



  • Gerald Bauer

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

= Copier Copié!

Total de téléchargements 240 342

Pour cette version 2 641



Version de Ruby requise: None
