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skn_utils 1.4.3

Creates an PORO Object with instance variables and associated getters and setters for each input key, during runtime. If a key's value is also a hash, it too can optionally become an Object. If a key's value is a Array of Hashes, each element of the Array can optionally become an Object. This nesting action is controlled by the value of the options key ':depth'. Options key :depth defaults to :multi, and has options of :single, :multi, or :multi_with_arrays The ability of the resulting Object to be Marshalled(dump/load) can be preserved by merging configuration options into the input params key ':enable_serialization' set to true. It defaults to false for speed purposes. Review the RSpec tests, and or review the README for more details.

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  1. 5.8.0 - May 29, 2020 (41.5 KB)
  2. 5.7.0 - February 03, 2020 (43 KB)
  3. 5.6.0 - June 02, 2019 (41.5 KB)
  4. 5.5.0 - February 25, 2019 (41 KB)
  5. 5.4.1 - January 02, 2019 (36 KB)
  6. 1.4.3 - April 06, 2015 (16 KB)
Show all versions (65 total)

Runtime Dependencies (1):

activemodel >= 3.0

Development Dependencies (4):

bundler ~> 1.7
pry ~> 0
rake ~> 10.0
rspec ~> 3.0



  • James Scott Jr

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 112,537

For this version 2,163

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
