RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para sinatra-cross_origin La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sinatra-cross_origin

rbbt-rest 1.9.1

Basic web app controllers and templates

589.179 Descargas

zendesk_apps_tools 3.9.2

Tools to help you develop Zendesk Apps.

426.771 Descargas

jekyll-admin 0.11.1

Jekyll::Admin is a drop in administrative framework for Jekyll sites.

342.517 Descargas

sinatra-hexacta 1.7.20

A gem to support general functionality accross all apps

141.202 Descargas

nutella_framework 0.9.2

utella is a framework to create and run RoomApps

137.023 Descargas

mumuki-gobstones-runner 2.19.1

Gobstones Runner for Mumuki

99.687 Descargas

mumukit 2.46.0

Helpers for building a Mumuki Test Server

88.730 Descargas

mumuki-bibliotheca 9.23.0

API for editing content on mumuki

81.597 Descargas

qm 1.2.4

Ruby port of QMachine web service + in-progress client

80.519 Descargas

quark 0.4.1

A small service for logging and retrieving timeseries metrics into a Redis server

59.172 Descargas

utter 1.9.0

Utter is a Domain-specific Microservices Framework written in Ruby. Utter helps you div...

58.234 Descargas

utter 1.9.0

Utter is a Domain-specific Microservices Framework written in Ruby. Utter helps you div...

58.234 Descargas

robot_sweatshop 1.0.1

A lightweight, nonopinionated CI server.

52.008 Descargas

mumuki-classroom 9.23.0

Teacher tools for Mumuki

49.582 Descargas

ongaku_ryoho_server 0.5.3

Serves music to Ongaku Ryoho clients

39.956 Descargas

genevalidatorapp 2.1.8

A Web App wrapper for GeneValidator, a program for validating gene predictions.

36.125 Descargas

pinch_hitter 0.7.0

A simple web service that returns primed responses in FIFO order

31.240 Descargas

bio-publisci 0.1.0

A toolkit for publishing scientific results and datasets using RDF, OWL, and related te...

31.134 Descargas

rbbt-views 2.0.2

Rest and HTML interface

24.500 Descargas

cyclid 0.4.0

The Cyclid CI system

22.821 Descargas


Use HeyDan to download, munge and manage data for jurisdictions

22.330 Descargas

mumukit-service 3.0.2

Little framework for building stateful mumuki services

21.811 Descargas

feedcellar-web 0.4.3

Web interface for Feedcellar is a full-text searchable RSS feed reader by Rroonga.

18.148 Descargas

cyclid-ui 0.2.5

The Cyclid CI system

16.710 Descargas

qpush 0.1.10

Fast and simple job queue microservice for Ruby.

16.707 Descargas

neurohmmerapp 0.0.7

A Web App wrapper for NeuroHmmer, a program for validating gene predictions.

14.921 Descargas

esapiserver 0.0.6

A Sinatra/MongoDB API server to use for EmberJS development

13.497 Descargas

gamekey 0.0.4

Gamekey service.

11.734 Descargas

benevolent_gaze 1.0.2

See your coworkers. Totally not creepy.

9.274 Descargas

axon-http 0.1.4

Axon/NATS HTTP bridge.

8.264 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.798.374

Para esta versión 1.135.655



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
