RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para simplecov La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren simplecov

mime-types 3.5.2

The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME conte...

688.783.808 Descargas

jwt 2.8.1

A pure ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard.

484.276.408 Descargas

rubyzip 2.3.2

rubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files

477.990.592 Descargas


A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.

452.203.143 Descargas

ast 2.4.2

A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees.

422.846.037 Descargas

http-cookie 1.0.5

HTTP::Cookie is a Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265. It has with s...

418.520.241 Descargas

daemons 1.4.1

Daemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-writ...

240.782.253 Descargas

factory_bot 6.4.6

factory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-...

211.658.851 Descargas

launchy 3.0.0

Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget ...

194.304.529 Descargas

faraday-em_http 2.0.0

Faraday adapter for Em::Http

193.962.971 Descargas

faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0

Faraday adapter for EM::Synchrony

192.942.240 Descargas

faraday-retry 2.2.1

Catches exceptions and retries each request a limited number of times.

153.172.162 Descargas

elasticsearch-api 8.13.0

Ruby API for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

146.081.544 Descargas

elasticsearch 8.13.0

Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch (client, API, etc.)

145.337.140 Descargas

newrelic_rpm 9.9.0

New Relic is a performance management system, developed by New Relic, Inc (http://www.n...

142.781.308 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

grpc 1.62.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

131.321.829 Descargas

elasticsearch-transport 7.17.10

Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

127.149.932 Descargas

google-cloud-storage 1.50.0

google-cloud-storage is the official library for Google Cloud Storage.

124.090.639 Descargas

lograge 0.14.0

Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request

118.613.114 Descargas

eye 0.10.0

Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3...

107.519.985 Descargas

climate_control 1.2.0

Modify your ENV

103.364.414 Descargas

chronic 0.10.2

Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby.

97.502.354 Descargas

Total de descargas 311.169.186

Para esta versión 35.936.567



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
