RubyGems Navigation menu

simplecov-rcov 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simplecov-rcov

spree_affirm 0.2.30

Affirm payment Gateway for Spree

13,067 下載

leipreachan 1.1.2

Backup and restore your database as simple as posible.

12,854 下載

env_json 0.3.2

Load ENV variables from a JSON file. Usefull with ejson

12,633 下載

tp_record_optimistic 0.2.2

gem that implement optimistic lock using unicity restriction from database

12,623 下載

saiku_client 0.0.3

Saiku Ruby integration client gem.

12,554 下載

mina-appsignal 1.1.0

Notify AppSignal of Mina deployments.

12,355 下載

solidus-adyen 1.0.0

Adyen HPP payments for Solidus Stores

12,191 下載

right_on 1.0.0

This helps systems manage rights and roles on a controller/action basis.

12,106 下載

simple_cfb 0.1.0

Basic read/write support for the Microsoft Compound File Binary file format

12,002 下載

logstash-output-cassandra 5.0.0

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

11,991 下載

cul-handles 0.3.0

Columbia client to deal with handle server

11,732 下載

icharger-log 0.1.2

Read and interpret iCharger log files.

11,697 下載

norwegian_phone 0.0.10

Standardizes norwegian phone numbers, and leaves international numbers unchanged.

11,590 下載

docker_rack 0.0.7

Simple Docker Orchestration

11,462 下載

ws_discovery 0.0.4

Perform a multicast search for devices using WS-Discovery

11,430 下載

coopy 1.0.0

Ruby port of coopyhx, for calculating tabular diffs

11,302 下載

pain 0.1.2

Based on

11,131 下載

sanitized_msisdns 0.0.5

Sanitizes the msisdns. Especially helpful for proper formatting of android mobile numbers.

11,017 下載

razoul 0.0.5

Gem for generate token to Auth

10,979 下載

adhearsion-ims 0.0.2

Provides convenience methods when using Adhearsion with Rayo for IP Multimedia Subsyste...

10,846 下載

daylight 0.9.0

Daylight extends Rails on the server and ActiveResource in the client to allow your...

10,726 下載


Omniauth oauth2 strategy to connect to

10,721 下載

stasis-extensions 1.1.0

plugin(s) for stasis providing i18n support and asset fingerprinting

10,679 下載

berkeley_library-tind 0.7.2

UC Berkeley Library utility gem for working with the TIND DA digital archive.

10,549 下載

gitolite-rugged 1.2.2

This gem is designed to provide a Ruby interface to the Gitolite Git backend system usi...

10,496 下載

activerecord-batch_touching 2.0.0

Batch up your ActiveRecord "touch" operations for better performance. All accumulated "...

10,305 下載

context_builder 1.0.0

This gem provides a way of extending modules with context attributes.

10,262 下載

dovico 1.4.0

Simple client & tools for

10,156 下載

activerecord-wrap-with-connection 0.0.2

Monkey-patches ActiveRecord to wrap all methods which use a database connection with #w...

9,932 下載

async_service 0.1.5

The gem provides an abstraction for asynchronous workers that poll data from a queue an...

9,606 下載

總下載次數 13,299,038

這個版本 93,410


Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
