simpleconsole 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simpleconsole
rbbt-marq 3.0.1
Find microarray experiments with similar or opposite signature to a given query. A SOAP...
60,389 下載
rubysync 0.2.1
== DESCRIPTION: RubySync is a tool for synchronizing part or all of your directory, da...
28,893 下載
nirvanahq 0.1.4
Gem for interacting with the NirvanaHQ API. Includes a CLI tool. Pretty alpha.
17,465 下載
github-downloads 0.1.3
Manages downloads for your Github projects
15,454 下載
turingstudio-webloc_cleaner 1.0.4
This RubyGem searches a path for webloc files, displays a list of OK and damaged files,...
15,035 下載
judojs 0.9.4
JudoJs is a javascript meta framework. JudoJs uses the Sprockets engine (http://getspro...
11,824 下載
rbbt-sent 1.0.2
Use literature mining to find semantic features to describe clusers of genes
11,415 下載
bundlemate 0.1.1
== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * List bundles available in the Macromates repository * Install,...
11,250 下載
task 0.0.1
Command line program to keep track of time invested in projects.
7,751 下載
miguelbaldi-grit 1.1.1
GCalCli is a client for Google Calendar service.
5,811 下載
MARQ 0.0.1
Find microarray experiments with similar or opposite signature to a given query. This g...
4,899 下載
miguelbaldi-gcalcliapp 0.1
GCalCli is a client for Google Calendar service.
3,379 下載