simple_form 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simple_form
itsf_backend 4.2.3
Painless Rails Admin UI.
96,567 下載
virgo 0.3.17
Virgo is a comprehensive team blogging tool for Ruby on Rails
95,476 下載
ack_rocket_cms 0.9.2
RocketCMS fork
91,690 下載
locomotivecms 4.1.1
Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...
88,882 下載
bootstrap3_autocomplete_input 0.2.3
Adds an input with autocomplete/typeahead compatible with Bootstrap 3.
87,389 下載
para 0.12.4
Rails admin engine
87,309 下載
simple_form_bootstrap3 0.3.6
Simplest way to use simple_form with bootstrap3 and rails.
87,154 下載
bookingsync_portal 3.0.0
A common base for creating BookingSync portal applications.
81,103 下載
polygallery 0.4.8
Polymorphic galleries made simple.
80,468 下載
enjoy_cms 0.4.1
80,137 下載
lotus_admin 1.6.0
Bootstrap 3 Material Design Simple Admin Interface.
79,484 下載
recruiter 1.1.18
Recruiter is a Rails Engine for adding job posting functionality to a Rails APP. U...
78,355 下載
parsley_simple_form 0.1.2
Client side validation with parsley and simple_form.
77,488 下載
helpdesk 0.0.42
Helpesk includes: tickets, ticket types, email-notification, FAQ, subscribers
75,088 下載
ems 0.1.12
Editorial Management system used within group projects
73,414 下載
record_collection 0.10.4
This gem helps you to work on subsets or rails models
72,987 下載
administrador 0.0.32.pre
Administrador - The rails administration interface.
71,120 下載
simple-form-datepicker 0.1.3
Datepicker inputs for SimpleForm.
70,809 下載
rich_table_component 0.0.30
Rich Table Component with advanced search, export file, and generate recapitulation
67,498 下載
curate 0.6.6
A data curation Ruby on Rails engine built on Hydra and Sufia
67,189 下載
dead_simple_cms 0.12.11
Dead Simple CMS is a library for modifying different parts of your website without the ...
65,557 下載
easy_reports 0.0.27
Rails engine for interactive charts for rails apps.
65,525 下載
freeform 2.0.4
Decouple your forms from your domain models
64,639 下載
bulkrax 9.0.0
Bulkrax is a batteries included importer for Samvera applications. It currently include...
64,379 下載
has_accounts_engine 2.0.1
HasAccountsEngine is a full featured Rails 3 gem accompanying has_accounts with control...
63,226 下載
semantic-rails-ui 1.0.5
Create beautiful hrml layouts with semantic-ui, simple_form and rails
62,729 下載
bootstrap_autocomplete_input 0.2.5
Adds an input with autocomplete/typeahead compatible with Bootstrap 4.
62,015 下載
adva-core 0.0.14
Core engine for adva-cms2.
60,641 下載
fae-rails 3.0.0
CMS for Rails. For Reals.
59,858 下載
rails-autocomplete 2.0.1
Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4+.
59,215 下載