simple_form 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simple_form
translation_cms 0.1.5
Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)
2,131 下載
sams-locomotivecms 4.0.4
Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...
2,115 下載
vinova_template_admin 0.1.0
Template Horizontal for Admin.
2,065 下載
shoppper 0.1.0
1,962 下載
rails_admin_featured_content_rails_6 1.0.4
Easy way for create featured contents using rails_admin on rails 6
1,892 下載
form_ease 0.0.3
FormEase is a extension for gem simple_form
1,718 下載
msip 2.2.0.beta1
Motor para Rails que le facilita construir su sistema de información.
1,699 下載
xplore 0.0.1.alpha
Quick way to inspect your Rails database, see content of tables, filter, export them to...
1,495 下載
breeze_cms 1.0.1
Breeze integrates a content editor into the rails workflow and le...
1,082 下載
simple_form-theme 0.1.4
Enjoy SimpleForm with the most modern themes.
977 下載
simple_form-bulma 0.1.0
This is going to help you to use Bulma CSS Framework with SimpleForm.
521 下載
epages-essence 0.1.0
Essence is an open-source framework that provides ViewComponents, form styles and o...
194 下載
simple_voice_input 0.1.0
Essa gem permite adicionar campos de texto com funcionalidade de reconhecimento de voz ...
149 下載