simple_form 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simple_form
admin_scaffold 3.0.2
This scaffold generator takes a lot of Ryan Bates' screencast ideas and puts them into ...
6,338 下載
simple_static_pages 0.0.3
Handle static pages
6,312 下載
shopping-cart 0.1.2
ShoppingCart plugin provides checkout functionality, which can be integrated into your ...
6,275 下載
barnardos-ruby_design_system 0.1.2
Includes helper methods and modification to simple form.
6,168 下載
compony 0.5.3
Compony is a Gem that allows you to write your Rails application in component-style fas...
6,085 下載
dunlop 0.1.0
Organize business processes, do data analysis and guard your goals
6,056 下載
rails_jquery_mobile_paginate 0.0.2
Heavily inspired from will_paginate but for jQuery Mobile.
6,008 下載
material_admin 0.0.2
Description of MaterialAdmin.
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undercase 0.2.57
Pattern library for Casebook
5,877 下載
rails_admin_content_builder_rails_6 1.2.0
Easy way for create contents using rails_admin on Rails 6 now with improvements and bug...
5,873 下載
simple_form_select2 0.1.2
Select2 autocomplete wrapper for SimpleForm associations
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simple_form_legend 0.0.1
Replace <label> with <fieldset> and <legend> inside your simple_form.
5,749 下載
simple_form_strong_parameters 0.0.2
Detecting inputs from simple form, saving them in a session in order to do automatic st...
5,631 下載
BPMN Engine for Rails
5,438 下載
project_basic 0.1.3
setup basic project
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simple_strap_file 0.1.1
Brings Simple Form file inputs in line with the other Bootstrap themed fields
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peanut_gallery 0.1.0
Add comments to your Rails app.
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mei 0.0.3
A Metadata Enrichment Interface (MEI) for Hydra Forms.
5,349 下載
lc_alchemy_cms 3.2.1
Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails 4 CMS.
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shoppy_cartus 0.1.2
Gem introduces the functionality of the basket and the order menu
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simple_form_auto_awesomplete 0.0.2
Provide awesomplete input class for simple_form
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Better than scaffolds
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bravo_lock 0.0.1
Rails authentication
5,013 下載
trix-gem 0.11.2
A rich text editor for everyday writing
4,856 下載
client_side_validations_simple_form 2.1.0
SimpleForm Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons
4,759 下載
phoenix_core 0.2.1.beta
Its used for build core structure, dont contain biz.
4,755 下載
arrate 0.0.1
Custom templates for Rails generators
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spree_questionnaire 2.0.4
manage questions and answers to collect data from your users
4,640 下載
rails_admin_dropzone_rails_6 1.0.2
Easy to use integration of drag&drop files upload via dropzone.js for RailsAdmin with i...
4,552 下載
geoblacklight_admin 0.6.3
Administrative UI for GeoBlacklight. Built on Kithe.
4,436 下載