simple_form 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simple_form
cdx 0.0.4
Cdx is a ready to use admin panel with embedded components.
8,463 下載
callback_request_bootstrap 0.2.0
Rails gem to show a form for callback request in modal. To be used with Bootstrap 4 and...
8,320 下載
simple_form-polymorphic_associations 0.0.5
Simple Form polymorphic associations.
8,304 下載
alter_admin 0.0.7
Simple admin panel generator with inherited resources, has_scope, datatables for Rails 4
8,253 下載
peoplefinder 0.1.1
The peoplefinder provides searchable staff profiles for your organisation. Since it's a...
8,248 下載
af-client_side_validations 3.1.4.af3
Client Side Validations
8,134 下載
groseillier 0.0.2
Core of the Groseillier project.
8,004 下載
rails_backend 0.0.1
A customizable backend admin system for Ruby on Rails.
7,975 下載
gorg_engine 1.2.4
Rails Engine for Gorg apps
7,954 下載
simple_form_epic_editor 0.0.3
Integrates the markdown editor EpicEditor with Rails and Simple Form.
7,944 下載
onix_metagem 0.0.3
Onix Meta Gem Some tools that we use every day
7,906 下載
draper_simple_form 0.0.2
Draper Decoration integrated with SimpleForm
7,817 下載
public_service_announcement 0.1.1
Rails Engine allowing centralized management of public alerts.
7,814 下載
web_admin 0.1.0
Sistema administrativo para site
7,777 下載
form_forms 0.2.0
Configurable forms for Rails
7,727 下載
rails_bootstrap_helper 1.7.0
Bootstrap Helpers for Ruby on Rails
7,470 下載
settr 0.1.2
Settr is a hierarchical key-value based storage for configuration settings in Rails apps
7,174 下載
app_kit 0.0.2
AppKit provides a full framework for rapidly creating data driven application through a...
7,155 下載
ext_form 0.1.5
An extension of simple_form, add layout function and add input controls based on bootst...
7,118 下載
forem 0.0.1
The best Rails 3 forum engine in the world.
7,117 下載
When your customer doesn't want e-commerce but actually you need products, orders and a...
6,904 下載
simple_form_language_input 0.1.1
Simple Form input component for displaying a localised <select> of languages usin...
6,883 下載
exo_cms 0.0.3
CMS engine to deliver multiple sites. Based on Mongoid.
6,706 下載
talent_scout 1.0.1
Model-backed searches in Rails
6,679 下載
cybersourcery 0.0.7
Cybersourcery takes care of the most difficult aspects of working with Cybersource in R...
6,635 下載
simple_form_ext 0.0.2
simple_form extensions for bootstrap
6,600 下載
mechanize-store 0.0.2
With mechanize store you already have implemented Product, ProductPhoto, ProductCategor...
6,514 下載
password_reveal_input-simple_form 1.0.0
A password input with reveal option for Simple Form
6,391 下載
bloggable 0.2.2
Add a blog to orgs or users or whatever
6,389 下載
zencms 0.0.2
ZENCMS as rails engine
6,368 下載