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simple_form 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 simple_form

self_systeem 0.1.0

System testing by recording actual user interactions

16,295 下载

pretty_file_input 0.1.0

A more powerful file input.

15,903 下载

fohrcard-styles 0.1.6

Fohr Card Styles Description

15,879 下载

content_block 0.0.5

Content blocks in Rails

15,770 下载

trix-editmode 0.0.11

A rich text editor for everyday writing

15,529 下载

rails_admin_content_builder 1.3.0

Easy way for create contents using rails_admin

15,396 下载

enki-engine 0.0.5

An adaptation of the Enki blogging application as a Rails::Engine, for mounting in a ho...

15,157 下载

plutonium 0.18.8

Plutonium extends Rails' capabilities with a powerful, generator-driven toolkit designe...

15,115 下载

home_page 0.0.6

#Ruby on #Rails CMS with #Crowdsourcing support changes:

15,095 下载

bento 0.0.3

A Rails account management engine

15,059 下载

admini 1.0.0

A minimal administration framework for Ruby on Rails application.

14,967 下载

texter 1.1.0

* Лёгкий вывод блочных и инлайновых текстов, отформатированных с помощью Textile, Markd...

14,738 下载


Yet Another WebLog engine

14,336 下载

ez-permissions-ui 0.8.0

UI extension for ez-permissions.

14,305 下载

ez-resources 0.2.4

Easy resources engine for Rails app.

13,814 下载

rails_blog_engine 0.0.4

Rails 3.1 drop-in blog engine for existing Rails applications

13,764 下载

overlook 0.0.4


13,587 下载

vision 0.0.2

Vision is a Rails Way dashboard, built as a simple alternative to ActiveAdmin.

13,179 下载

simple_form_recurring_select 0.1.1

Wrapper around the 'recurring_select' gem for SimpleForm.

12,788 下载

wymeditor-simple_form 0.0.5

Makes WYMeditor available via the asset pipeline and provides a custom input type for S...

12,753 下载

help_kit 0.0.5

An isolated knowledgebase system for Rails that is mountable inside applications.

12,563 下载

dryink 0.0.3

A simple DRY template engine for Rails.

12,457 下载

mundane-search 0.0.5

Makes everyday search easy-ish.

12,238 下载

qwerty 0.0.7.pre

The core functionality on which to build a fully featured Content Management System usi...

12,079 下载

time_wrapper 0.3.4

Wrapper for simple form to support a timepicker

12,018 下载

minimum-viable-product 0.0.7

Built for Developers. Ideal for MVPs, product ideation and validation.

12,016 下载

wobapphelpers 4.2.0

Rails helpers and more shared between wob's rails applications

11,930 下载

hitchens 0.0.3

Mountable blogging engine with a focus on maintainability and good clean OO design.

11,406 下载

surveyor_gui 0.1.2

A Rails gem to supply a front-end and reporting capability to the Surveyor gem.

11,240 下载

dust-cms 0.0.07

Drop in Rails CMS : `bundle` and run `rake dust:init`

11,171 下载

下载总量 76,037,569

这个版本 1,744,707




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
