simple_form 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 simple_form
simple_form_attachments 1.2.0
A Rails engine which takes care of creating Attachments using the jQuery File Upload pl...
59,143 下载
mix-rails-core 0.26.3
This is the core of the mix-rails
58,968 下载
foldscaf 1.0.6
Generadores adaptados a las necesidades de Xaver
58,866 下载
tida_template 0.3.2
Rails Template of Tida App Group
58,002 下载
rails_admin_dropzone 1.1.1
Easy to use integration of drag&drop files upload via dropzone.js for RailsAdmin
57,600 下载
tkh_menus 0.9.9
A Rails engine that generates menus dynamically..
55,938 下载
staple 0.4.5
a modular ui framework for rails built on top of foundation and sass.
54,938 下载
dynamic_fields 0.3.3
Dynamically generate fields for Rails by using jQuery.
52,848 下载
csv_import_magic 0.0.11
Engine for import CSV dynamically by model
51,553 下载
voluntary 0.7.1
#Crowdsourcing management system for #RubyOnRails:
51,126 下载
mechanize_store 0.0.19
With mechanize store you will have Product, ProductPhoto, ProductCategory, Order, Order...
47,887 下载
ecm_contact 1.1.0.pre
Basic contact form.
46,605 下载
rails-add_ons 2.2.1
The missing bits.
45,239 下载
brick_layer 0.10.6
Content Management and Endpoint Rails Service Engine
44,467 下载
erector-rails4 0.2.0
This is a fork of Erector, updated for Rails 4.
43,803 下载
storytime 2.1.6
A simple cms and blogging engine for rails apps.
42,945 下载
blog-gem 0.1.20
Blog Tool for the Shubbl Homepage
42,665 下载
ucb_rails_user 7.0.0
Rails engine for managing user accounts within UC Berkeley's auth system
42,212 下载
commenteux 1.2.0
Mount this gem into your app to automatically have access to screens that list and crea...
42,049 下载
assetable 0.3.1
Dead simple asset uploader attachments for your active record models
40,949 下载
flexite 0.0.25
Database driven web-app settings
40,501 下载
kithe 2.16.0
Shareable tools/components for building a digital collections app in Rails.
40,085 下载
qbrick 2.7.1
Qbrick is a Rails engine that offers a simple CMS.
39,892 下载
model_manage 0.2.1
39,541 下载
bootstrap_admin 1.0.1
Create beatifull admin sections
38,995 下载
advert_selector 3.0.1
Rails adserver tool for selecting a smaller subset of banners from all possible banners...
38,433 下载
simple_form_autocomplete 1.1.0
jQuery autocomplete for SimpleForm form fields
38,393 下载
ucb_rails 0.0.14
Jumpstart a UCB Rails application.
38,029 下载
simbiotes 0.1.21
37,640 下载
pg_rails 7.6.23
Rails goodies.
37,586 下载