Dépendances inversées pour simple_form Latest version of the following gems require simple_form
reduced_fat_crm 0.14.0
An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform
4 370 Téléchargements
nimboids-client_side_validations 3.0.3
Client Side Validations
4 348 Téléchargements
simple_form-jpmobile 0.0.1
Keitai numeric imput modes on SimpleForm
4 275 Téléchargements
time_period 0.0.1
Store time periods as "1 week" or "2 months" in a single column, with reasonable simple...
4 203 Téléchargements
discussion 0.0.1
A gem to manage a thread discussion with ajax support.
4 192 Téléchargements
leap_web_users 0.0.1
This this plugin for the leap platform provides user signup and login. It uses Secure R...
4 191 Téléchargements
custom_table 1.0.10
Easy tables with filters
4 189 Téléchargements
railstrap 0.0.1
Bootstrap Tools for Rails 3, Generate Layouts and CRUDs, Helpers and more....
4 109 Téléchargements
telegram_chatbot 0.1.3
TelegramChatbot setting with chatgroup.
4 075 Téléchargements
wangeditor_rails 0.1.1
Add wangEditor V3 edition, and customize input components for form & SimpleForm.
3 947 Téléchargements
model_form 0.1.0
ModelForm: Avoid writing html helper
3 899 Téléchargements
signed_form-simple_form 0.0.3
SimpleForm adapter for SignedForm
3 856 Téléchargements
refinerycms-flare 0.0.0
Advanced page parts options for RefineryCMS pages.
3 828 Téléchargements
simple_form_dependent_fields 0.1.0
Show or hide dependent fields in forms based on checkboxes, radios and selects.
3 731 Téléchargements
fiat_publication 0.1.1
This is a Rails engine for quickly setting up a flexible publication module.
3 722 Téléchargements
form_translation 0.0.1
Include fields for multiple languages in your forms.
3 691 Téléchargements
yaw 0.0.2
Unlike a complete wiki engine, yaw is a wiki library to be embeded in your rails ap...
3 656 Téléchargements
yaw 0.0.2
Unlike a complete wiki engine, yaw is a wiki library to be embeded in your rails ap...
3 656 Téléchargements
devise_users 0.0.1
Rails 4 engine for managing devise users
3 639 Téléchargements
mo_page 0.0.2
A simple CMS system.
3 605 Téléchargements
cl-admin 0.0.2
Simple administration framework.
3 590 Téléchargements
not_so_simple_form 0.0.1
Forms made (not so) easy!
3 574 Téléchargements
autocomplete-activeadmin 0.1.0
Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4+.
3 463 Téléchargements
simple_form_wysihtml 0.0.1
Integrates Wysihtml5 editor with Rails and Simple Form.
3 434 Téléchargements
lazy_boy 0.0.2
Gem with layout and configs for lazy programmer.
3 415 Téléchargements
uibox 0.0.1
Description of Uibox.
3 409 Téléchargements
messaging_4 0.0.1
Messaging allows you to put have messaigng support in a rails or refinery application.
3 407 Téléchargements
sc_core 0.0.7
This gem supports multi-tenancy users RoR skeleton app.
3 372 Téléchargements
reviewable 0.0.1
lets you create reviews for polymorphic objects
3 344 Téléchargements
simple-form-datepicker-reloaded 0.1.3
Datepicker inputs for SimpleForm, updated for 3.1.0.
3 331 Téléchargements