shouldaの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はshouldaを必要としています
jstdutil 0.3.13
Thin wrapper over Google's JsTestDriver that adds colors and autotest
80,823 ダウンロード数
mage-hand 0.4.10
mage-hand is a ghostly hand that reaches across the internet to access the Obsidian Por...
80,348 ダウンロード数
headstart 0.11.2
Based on Envy Labs Blue Light Special, but modified to provide more options and features.
80,328 ダウンロード数
gowalla 0.5.8
Ruby wrapper for the Gowalla API
80,131 ダウンロード数
kelredd-sinatra-helpers 0.3.0
a ruby gem with a bunch of helpers to make Sinatra more useful
79,978 ダウンロード数
uea-stemmer 0.10.3
Port of UEA-Lite Stemmer to Ruby, a conservative stemmer for search and indexing.
79,409 ダウンロード数
aurb 1.4.1
An AUR (Arch User Repository) utility
79,284 ダウンロード数
ntail 1.3.2
A tail(1)-like utility for nginx log files. It supports parsing, filtering and formatti...
78,933 ダウンロード数
capistrano-scm-local 0.1.24
Capistrano extension for deploying form local directory
78,779 ダウンロード数
clevic 0.14.6
SQL table GUI with Qt / Java Swing and Sequel.
78,722 ダウンロード数
zxing_cpp 0.1.1
A barcode and QR code library that works with regular Ruby (not just JRuby). This gem c...
78,018 ダウンロード数
proxymachine 1.2.4
ProxyMachine is a simple content aware (layer 7) TCP routing proxy written in Ruby with...
77,666 ダウンロード数
zephyr 1.2.2
Battle-tested HTTP client using Typhoeus, derived from the Riak client
77,368 ダウンロード数
flannel 0.2.14
Flannel is a markup language that is not intended for your web app. It's for your loca...
77,347 ダウンロード数
transrate 1.0.1
a library and command-line tool for quality assessment of de-novo transcriptome assemblies
77,240 ダウンロード数
dj_mon 1.1.0
A Rails engine based frontend for Delayed Job
77,194 ダウンロード数
opay 1.3.2
Payu (polish payment service) rails engine.
77,155 ダウンロード数
property 2.3.6
Wrap model properties into a single database column and declare properties from within ...
76,950 ダウンロード数
next-big-sound 0.8.2
A simple wrapper class for the Next Big Sound api. docs for the api can be found at ap...
76,497 ダウンロード数
bhm-admin 0.3.6
Provides a reasonably dynamic and simple to use admin area for Rails 3 application. Bui...
76,419 ダウンロード数
find_as_hashes 0.6.0
Provides ActiveRecord methods to return results as attribute hashes rather than instant...
76,055 ダウンロード数
Make your Mongoid model acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilitie...
76,022 ダウンロード数
helpdesk 0.0.42
Helpesk includes: tickets, ticket types, email-notification, FAQ, subscribers
75,812 ダウンロード数
ernicorn 1.0.2
Ernicorn is a BERT-RPC server packaged as a gem.
75,664 ダウンロード数
heartbeat-client 0.6.0
Heartbeat Client in Ruby
75,306 ダウンロード数
tampon 1.1.3
An unrestictive way to deploy using gitflow and capistrano
74,906 ダウンロード数
dark-capistrano-recipes 0.8.4
Extend the Capistrano gem with these useful recipes
74,860 ダウンロード数
hoi 0.0.7
API for Hoiio
74,765 ダウンロード数
i0n_rails3_generators 0.2.19
Custom Rails 3 Generators
74,647 ダウンロード数
redmine_stagecoach 0.7.8
Git/capistrano workflow automation script with Redmine & Github issue integration
74,459 ダウンロード数