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has_constant 0.8.5

Allows certain fields to be limited to a set of values

126,904 下載

cloud-crowd 0.7.6

The crowd, suddenly there where there was nothing before, is a mysterious and unive...

125,990 下載

imprint 1.5.0

A gem to help improve logging. Focused on request tracing and cross app tracing.

125,378 下載

rack-private 0.2.0

Private Rack middleware purpose is to protect your Rack application from anonymous via ...

124,938 下載

dynamic_fieldsets 0.1.20

Dynamic fieldsets for rails controllers

124,897 下載


Generic approval queues for record creation and updates

124,657 下載


Appjam is iOS code repository, including framework, snippet, generators, etc.

123,971 下載

simply_stored 0.6.8

Convenience layer for CouchDB on top of CouchPotato.

122,331 下載

trisulrp 3.2.43

This gem deals about the trisul remote protocol

120,462 下載

bio-samtools 2.6.2

Binder of samtools for ruby, on the top of FFI. This project was born from the need...

119,966 下載

inbox 2.0.1

Gem for interacting with the Nylas API.

119,636 下載

enumerated_field 1.2.0

EnumeratedField is a library that provides some nice methods when a string column is us...

118,002 下載

postmaster 1.3.2

Postmaster takes the pain out of sending shipments via UPS, Fedex, and USPS. Save money...

116,452 下載

bio-polyploid-tools 1.2.1

Repository of tools developed at Crop Genetics in JIC to work with polyploid wheat

115,331 下載

index-tanked 0.8.0

Provides methods for indexing objects to Index Tank. Extra convenience methods included...

114,626 下載

dirty_history 0.7.3

Dirty History is a simple gem that allows you to keep track of changes to specific fiel...

114,259 下載

esi 0.4.22

EVE ESI API wrapper

114,195 下載

leftronicapi 1.3.3

Provides a set of functions to update Leftronic dashboard widgets with custom data. Dat...

113,256 下載

magick_title 0.2.0

Want beautiful copyright-protected browser-compatible custom-smoothed & kerned fonts? M...

112,899 下載

fluent-plugin-amqp 0.14.0

AMQP input/output plugin for fluentd

111,482 下載

benofsky-bolt 0.4.8

Bolt was built to fill a gap in static website generators. Bolt makes it really really ...

110,863 下載

2Performant 0.1.3

Library for the 2Performant API

110,080 下載

bcms_tools 0.2.9

Tools for BrowserCms.

109,744 下載

bank-validator 0.3.2

Validates IBAN and BIC account numbers. Still a work in progress

108,998 下載

ninjs 0.16.8

Ninjs is a ruby application and small javascript framework that helps you build clean, ...

108,032 下載

resolv-ipv6favor 0.0.0

simple resolver class that lookup AAAA records prior to A records

107,391 下載

enigmamachine 0.6.5

A RESTful video encoder which you can use as either a front-end to ffmpeg or headless o...

105,673 下載

otrs_connector 1.5.2

Connect your RAILS app to OTRS/ITSM

105,139 下載

zena 1.2.8

zena is a Ruby on Rails CMS (content managment system) with a focus on usability, ease...

104,715 下載

call_with_params 0.0.2

Call a Proc with an arbitrary number of params. The Proc will only be passed the number...

104,626 下載

總下載次數 29,145,650

這個版本 13,067,028



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
