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savon 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 savon

afip_wsfe 0.2.7

Wrapper para usar web service de factura electrónica de AFIP

19,699 下载

ultrasoap 0.1.6

Connect to Neustar's UltraDNS SOAP API. FKA ultrasoap-ruby. Any feedback or contributio...

19,626 下载

fex 0.0.6

Small wrapper around Savon for using FedEx Web Services

19,374 下载

cargowise-ts 1.0.7

Retrieve tracking and status information on your shipments from ediEnterprise

19,344 下载


Ruboty Ideone

19,288 下载

cotendo 0.0.4

Wrapper for cotendo SOAP Api

19,272 下载

padron 0.2.3

You could get public info from the desired CUIT

19,220 下载

postal 0.3.0

Lyris is an enterprise email service. Postal makes it easy for Ruby to talk to Lyris's ...

19,051 下载

parsec_client 0.0.15

parsec_lient cover most of functionality provided by Parsec API

19,040 下载

tnt_mercurio 1.0.0

Gem para utilização do Webservices disponibilizado pela empresa TNT Mercúrio.

18,955 下载

transcribeme 1.0.0

This gem is a Ruby wrapper for the TranscribeMe SOAP API, built on Savon

18,908 下载

apralib 1.0.0

A Ruby client for the Apra Service

18,672 下载

clever_elements 0.0.5

This gem has been deprecated and has been replaced by 'cleverelements'. See https://rub...

18,599 下载

big_register 0.0.5

A gem to query the BIG register

18,479 下载

shopify_transporter 2.5.2

The Transporter tool allows you to convert data from a third-party platform into a form...

18,475 下载

rails-gp-webpay 0.2.8

Gem for integrating GP Webpay HTTP api and WS recurring payments with multiple merchants

18,399 下载

docu_sign 0.0.6

Savon-based gem to interact with the DocuSign SOAP API in Ruby

18,375 下载

black_book 0.0.5

Provides a ruby interface for the Black Book's API. Read more about it here: http://www...

18,365 下载

cbraspag 0.9.4

Braspag: brazilian gateway, agnostic, support all features in braspag

18,341 下载

virtualbox-ws 0.0.8

Object-oriented wrapper that makes using VirtualBox SOAP API (relatively) easier

18,265 下载

yield_star_client 0.2.2

A simple wrapper around a SOAP client for the YieldStar AppExchange web service.

18,261 下载

validates_as_vat_number 1.0.4

Now you can validate VAT using the European service called VIES, ...

18,255 下载

cherby 0.0.6

Cherby is a Ruby wrapper for the Cherwell Web Service.

18,178 下载

TodoPagoConectorSS 1.8.3

Conector para la plataforma de pagos

17,913 下载

velocify 0.1.7

A library to communicate with Velocify's API.

17,802 下载

big_machines 0.3.0

BigMachine's SOAP API Implementation

17,762 下载

braspag-pagador 1.0.1

Braspag: brazilian gateway, agnostic, support all features in braspag

17,680 下载

ocr 0.3.1

Recognize text and characters from image files using web services.

17,630 下载

simple_lb 0.0.8

Creates a simple load balance pool and server on an F5 ltm

17,545 下载

dhl-bcs 0.4.0

This is inspired by the dhl-intraship gem that is a little bit outdated and doesn't sup...

17,481 下载

下载总量 71,799,801

这个版本 745,065



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
