rvm-capistrano 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rvm-capistrano
capper 2.0.0
Capper is a collection of opinionated Capistrano recipes
269,787 下載
crossroads_capistrano 1.4.50
A Crossroads Foundation collection of generic capistrano recipes.
242,308 下載
capobvious 0.2.95
Capfile that we use every day
188,356 下載
magic_recipes 0.1.17
Our capistrano recipes for nginx, passenger, thin, private_pub, .. include expect-scrip...
154,458 下載
ms_deploy 0.3.6
capistrano deployment task for my projects
98,690 下載
avst-cloud 0.1.42
Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers
75,891 下載
o2h 0.2.1
Collection of recipes and gem dependencies for o2h deployment
75,318 下載
deploify 0.2.24
deploify - capistrano based and deprec inspired deploy solution served as a gem
65,929 下載
This is app which provides a generator to create unicorn and nginx config files and som...
25,529 下載
aktion_cap 0.1.3
Contains all require deployment gems, recipes and rake tasks
23,027 下載
uberspacify 0.9.5
Deploy Rails apps on Uberspace
19,499 下載
pludoni-capistrano 0.0.5
Some common tasks for capistrano
16,030 下載
sunrise-deploy 0.0.4
Deploy module for sunrise-cms using capistrano
12,868 下載
simple-rails-deploy 0.3.2
Simple rails deploy makes rails deployment process fun!
12,806 下載
capistrano-templates 1.0.0
A collection of commonly used Capistrano templates.
12,698 下載
capistrano-rails-server 2.0.2
That gem includes capistrano recipes to install and configure ROR production environmen...
10,877 下載
uniq-deploy 1.0.1
Common part of the UNIQ Systems deploment process
9,888 下載
rdcms 1.0.28
This is the Basic Module of Rdcms. It Offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an Article-Module, a ...
9,176 下載
thincloud-deployment 1.0.1
Opinionated framework dependencies, configuration, and recipes for Capistrano-based dep...
6,762 下載
noa-developer 0.0.2
Developer module for Noa
6,714 下載
k3_capistrano 1.0.0
Common Capistrano tasks and defaults used by K3 Integrations
5,768 下載
SUPPORT 0.0.1pre
SUPPORT: Setting Up & Provisioning Pragmatic OSS Ruby Technologies
2,384 下載