RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para ruport La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren ruport

acts_as_reportable 1.1.1

acts_as_reportable provides ActiveRecord support for Ruby Reports

331.954 Descargas

mochigome 0.2.5

Report generator that graphs over ActiveRecord associations

116.485 Descargas

ruport-util 0.14.0

ruport-util provides a number of utilities and helper libs for Ruby Reports

94.338 Descargas

bio-band 0.1.11

Data mining and machine learning algorithms for JRuby

37.141 Descargas

daily 0.0.10

Reporting application

34.178 Descargas

rpipe 0.1.7

Functional MRI Processing Pipeline for the WADRC

32.737 Descargas

documatic 0.2.3

Documatic is an OpenDocument extension for Ruby Reports (Ruport). It is a template-driv...

31.781 Descargas


Ansible Tools e.g. Create directory by BestPractice

27.345 Descargas

rutemaweb 0.9.5

== DESCRIPTION: rutemaweb is the web frontend for rutema. It can be used as a viewer ...

25.017 Descargas

rutema_web 1.0.6

== DESCRIPTION: rutema_web is the web frontend for rutema. It can be used as a viewer...

20.639 Descargas

farmingengineers 0.1.5

Invoice generators, etc.

20.071 Descargas

ea_sports_ppi 0.0.5


16.388 Descargas

stresser 0.5.0

Wrapper around httperf for stresstesting your app. Runs httperf multiple times with dif...

14.439 Descargas

geetarista-export_csv 0.0.7

export_csv Gem

13.599 Descargas

autoperf 1.1.0

Autoperf is a ruby driver for httperf, designed to help you automate load and performan...

13.596 Descargas

git-health-check 0.0.4

Git Health Check

13.106 Descargas

ruboty-niftycloud 0.0.5

Manage NIFTYCloud via Ruboty

11.521 Descargas

sir_tracks_alot 0.6.2

A high speed general purpose tracking and reporting tool which uses Redis.

11.485 Descargas

automatthew-stevedore 0.2.1

Benchmarking framework with some statistickal stuff

9.909 Descargas

murdoch 1.0.1

Ruby Reports is a software library that aims to make the task of reporting less tedious...

8.505 Descargas

hone-git_pivot 0.1.1

TODO: longer description of your gem

8.259 Descargas

lolita-report 0.1.0

Enable configuration and generate HTML view for Lolita resources, and also has ability ...

7.979 Descargas

pie-high 0.2.0

High Charts is one of the best JavaScript charting libraries there is. Here is a strai...

7.830 Descargas

ruby-band 0.1.13

Data mining and machine learning algorithms for JRuby

6.586 Descargas

test_bundle_dependency 0.0.2


6.581 Descargas

ruport_report_builder 0.1.1

Simple wrapper for common ruport tasks

4.474 Descargas

ruport_json_formatter 1.0.1

Adds json output support to ruport

4.464 Descargas

rocksteady 0.8.0

Run arbitrary scenarios across disparate sets of git repo revisions

4.389 Descargas

rose 0.0.5

A slick Ruby DSL for reporting.

4.389 Descargas

ruport-wiki-table-formatter 0.2.0

Ruport::WikiTableFormatter is an extension for Ruport to format Ruport::Table data into...

4.287 Descargas

Total de descargas 792.915

Para esta versión 58.805



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
