RubyGems Navigation menu

rubygems-tasks 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubygems-tasks

onesnooper-server 0.0.4

Simple server snooping on and recording OpenNebula's VM & Host monitoring traffic

9,990 下載

dotter_dotfiles 0.4.0

A simple, yet powerful dotfiles manager that wraps around stow and git

9,898 下載

libmediainfo 1.0.3

Ruby bindings for MediaInfo using

9,630 下載

geometer 0.1.3

compute distances between points and whether points are within regions

9,484 下載

simplecolor 0.4.0

A simple library for coloring text output. Heavily inspired from term-ansicolor and rai...

9,456 下載

komplement 0.1.3

Simple sanity checking tool for your html, that will scan files, and detect html el...

9,442 下載

postbin 0.1.7

A ruby command line/rack application for testing systems that send WebHooks using a H...

9,080 下載

active_job-arguments_plus 0.2.0


9,053 下載

seraph-grape 0.1.1

Integrate Seraph with your Grape API

8,986 下載

wwj_hello_world 0.1.3

hello world

8,793 下載

travis-packagecloud-ruby 1.1.0

library for interacting with

8,746 下載

skemata 0.0.1

A DSL designed to draft JSON-LD objects.

8,509 下載

space_object 0.1.4

A lightweight language for objects

8,457 下載

pudi 0.0.4

Get count of http request fired by a web app

8,392 下載

pliable 0.2.1

Pliable makes integrating a Rails project with Schemaless data not so painful

8,312 下載

vanadiel-time 0.2.1

Converting between realtime and Vana'diel time, and so on.

8,210 下載

fluent-plugin-presto_query 0.0.3

Fluentd Input plugin to execute Presto query and fetch rows.

8,103 下載

fluent-plugin-newrelic_metrics 0.0.3

Newrelic metrics input plugin for fluentd

8,096 下載


TDLib schema for tdlib-ruby gem

8,083 下載

tz_offset 0.0.4

Simple and solid timezone offset class

8,041 下載

ruby_version_reader 0.2.0

Provides a RubyVersionReader class to simplify reading the .ruby-version and .ruby-gems...

7,999 下載

did_you 0.0.1

Ruby version-agnostic wrapper for did_you_mean gem

7,970 下載

simple_encryptor 0.0.3

Simple, url-safe, opinionated string encryption

7,952 下載

egi-fedcloud-cloudhound 0.0.3

A proof-of-concept utility for locating cloud sites and corresponding CSIRT/CERT contac...

7,856 下載

ssh-exec 0.1.1

A library allowing to execute commands over SSH using Net::SSH

7,746 下載

pingdom-cli 0.3.0

pingdom simple command line interface

7,729 下載

yop 0.0.3

Yop bootstraps your projects from pre-defined templates

7,715 下載

straightedge 0.1.2

give me a compass and straightedge and i will conquer the world

7,669 下載

gitlab_ci 0.2.2

Gitlab is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for the [GitLab-CI API](

7,662 下載

ffi-http-parser 0.2.0

Ruby FFI bindings to the http-parser library.

7,660 下載

總下載次數 408,561

這個版本 23,420



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
