RubyGems Navigation menu

rubygems-tasks 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubygems-tasks

bitmapped 0.2.0

Bitmap CLI program

6,330 下載

dieses 0.1.0

Guide sheets generator for penmanship, calligraphy, lettering, and sketching

6,323 下載

tlaw 0.0.2

And here would be description.

6,249 下載

uri-tag 0.0.3

This library extends standard bundled URI library to parse and build tag scheme URI def...

6,241 下載

form_relayer 0.0.2

Makes it easier to relay received POST params for further POSTing. This is ideal if you...

6,239 下載

whatthegem 0.0.4

Is that gem any good?

6,187 下載

fluent-plugin-exec_placeholder 0.0.2

execute external command with placeholder plugin for fluentd

6,110 下載

gitv 0.0.3

Yet another gem for versioning based on git tags

6,037 下載

numscaler 0.0.5

Convert numbers e.g. between 0.0 - 1.0 and 0.0 - Math::PI and vice-versa.

5,966 下載

rbevents 1.0.0

Provides an Event mixin for enabling classes to create events for public and private su...

5,961 下載

wfa 0.2

Workfrom Admin tools

5,900 下載

fluent-plugin-ping_port 0.0.2

health check with port plugin for fluentd.

5,797 下載

nokogiri-xml-range 0.1.1

Nokogiri DOM Range Implementatin based on DOM Standard specification.

5,739 下載

note-transpose 0.1.3

A CLI tool to transpose notes by half steps

5,663 下載

derketo 0.1.2

An easy way to trace your code and visualize it as a sequence diagram.

5,555 下載

ec2ex 0.2.0

ec2 expand command line

5,553 下載

worldize 0.0.1

Worldize allows to draw world countries coloured on base of some numeric value for ...

5,522 下載

cinch-commands 0.1.0

Allows defining multiple commands within a Cinch Plugin. Also provides a !help command ...

5,445 下載

query-composer 1.0.0

Build complex SQL queries by defining each subquery separately. Query::Composer will th...

5,414 下載

rspawn 0.4.0

very simple daemon.

5,355 下載

deployable-zmq 0.2.0

Standard ZMQ Pattern classes

5,295 下載

tidas 0.1.1

Rack middleware for tidas integrations

5,183 下載

rouge-lexers-fluentd 0.1.1

Rouge lexer for fluentd configuration files

5,166 下載

abstracta 0.1.1

a modular cellular automata engine with the goal of providing a simulation service fram...

5,163 下載

proc_index 0.1.3

Map and search all your processes.

5,099 下載

securerandom-array 0.9.0

Provides Array#secure_sample and Array#secure_shuffle extensions that behave like #samp...

5,051 下載

onena 0.1.2

A Ruby library and cli tool that tries to identify mismatched names between Tock and Float

4,860 下載

lambda 0.1

alias_method :λ, :lambda

4,785 下載

bindle 0.1.0

bindle is a server and development environment provisioning tool. Using Chef, Vagrant, ...

4,753 下載

fluent-plugin-proc_count 0.0.2

process count check plugin for fluentd.

4,695 下載

總下載次數 416,200

這個版本 30,096




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
