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rubygems-tasks 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubygems-tasks

feed_torrents 0.2.2

A (multi) torrent feed reader without gui that handles both torrent links and magnet li...

22,584 下载

roda-unpoly 0.4.0

Integrate Unpoly with Roda

22,509 下载

rack-archive-zip-extract 0.0.9

Rack::Archive::Zip::Extract serves files in zip archives.

22,281 下载

nissen-collect 0.1.8


22,060 下载

samwise 0.4.0

A Ruby library that provides access to the API

21,834 下载

time-predicates 0.3.3

Having trouble figuring out which date is in the future looking at > or < ?

20,752 下载

ruby-wpdb 1.2.3

ruby-wpdb gives you a painless way to access and interact with WordPress from Ruby, acc...

20,742 下载

rubygems-yardoc 0.0.8

Provides a "gem yardoc" command which generates YARD documentations for specified gems

20,731 下载

aws-rds-instance_types 2.0.0

Retrieve an up to date list of valid AWS RDS Instance Types directly from Amazon Web Se...

20,420 下载

markov-rb 0.1.9

markov chain management

19,856 下载

seraph 0.1.2

Looking for an authentication gem that doesn't make any assumptions about your setup? Y...

19,804 下载

komic-cli 0.1.7


19,801 下载

librtree 1.0.6

A Ruby extension implementing the R-tree spatial-index of Guttman-Green.

19,594 下载

itchy 0.2.8

Handler integrating nifty with vmcatcher (HEPIX)

19,588 下载

environments-list-builder 0.3.4

Jenkins builder of the environments manifest for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deli...

19,222 下载

telein-client 0.2.1

The 'telein-client' gem allows the access for the Telein API in Ruby.

19,169 下载

objc-referee 1.0.0

Resource file generator for Objective-C and Swift. Parses Xcode projects and creates a ...

18,500 下载

dldinternet-mixlib-thor-nocommands 0.4.2

Thor no_commands reuse

18,091 下载

rails_use_case 0.0.13

Rails UseCase and Service classes

17,853 下载

rubroxy 0.1.3

A simple ruby built proxy

17,792 下载

pirka 0.2.0

Pirka highlights source code syntax in EPUB books

17,787 下载

physicist 0.1.7

a little physics library

17,702 下载

zipfips 0.2.0


17,374 下载

dldinternet-mixlib-cli 0.2.0

A custom CLI mixlib inspired by Chef and Mixlib::CLI

17,373 下载

gcovtools 1.1.2

gcovtools digests .gcov files generated by llvm-cov and translates them into various co...

17,169 下载

batteries 0.4.0

Powering your Roda/Sinatra applications

16,840 下载

mina_slack_notify 0.3.6

Mina bindings for Slack

16,739 下载

levtera 0.2.6

The core domain concerns for Vehicles (Makes, Versions, Models, Plates).

16,452 下载

atchu 0.0.6

Reverse engineer DB with composite keys to Active Records

16,370 下载

the_schema_is 0.0.5

Annotating ActiveRecord models with lists of columns defined through DSL and checked wi...

16,167 下载

下载总量 405,370

这个版本 20,749



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0.0
