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ruby_parser 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ruby_parser

joshua-transmogrify 1.0.1

Unfactoring your code, for evil.

6,004 下載


Code smell detector for Ruby

5,897 下載

saLOUt-kdegettext 0.9.3

KDEgettext.rb is a parser that extends ruby gettext to work with the Qt/KDE framework p...

5,798 下載

hash_formatter 0.0.2

Hash Formatter is a library that formats Ruby hashes for code editors.

5,765 下載

reconn 1.0.0

A tool for analysis and visualization of projects written in Ruby

5,536 下載

enterprise 1.0.0

Wish you could write your Ruby in XML? Has the fact that Ruby is not "enterprise&...

5,365 下載

doppelganger 0.8.0

Doppelganger helps you to find areas of your code that are good places to refactor. It...

5,297 下載

sexp_cli_tools 1.0.0

Educational project exploring the utility in searching and manipulating codebases using...

5,291 下載

haml_ejs 0.0.1

Haml+ejs is an extension to haml to make generating client-side templates as simp...

5,188 下載

pentest 1.0.1

Full-automated dynamic vulnerability scanning tool for Ruby on Rails project!

5,061 下載

haml-sass-converters-rubymine-plugin 0.1.0

Provides convenient converters for HAML/SASS as plugin for RubyMine IDE.

4,985 下載

haml-sass-converters-rubymine-plugin 0.1.0

Provides convenient converters for HAML/SASS as plugin for RubyMine IDE.

4,985 下載

benmanns-atreides 2.0.4

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

4,961 下載

ruby_scope 0.1.1

A ruby hacker's search tool. Quickly interrogate your code, seek out classes, m...

4,766 下載

tiamat 0.1.0

Tiamat is a worker plugin for the pure functional package (Pure[http://purefunctional. ...

4,642 下載

eastrails 0.0.5

Create a first basic default website for new East Agile clients

4,626 下載

ikra 0.0.2

GPGPU Accelerator for Array-based Computations

4,623 下載

universe-common 0.1.1

gem install universe-common

4,544 下載

rubify 0.0.1

Takes parsed s-expressions for other languages and emits formatted ruby using ruby_scribe.

4,485 下載

wool 0.5.1

Wool is an advanced static analysis tool for Ruby.

4,479 下載

rails_best_practices-raydog153 0.9.1

a code metric tool for rails codes, written in Ruby.

4,438 下載

temill 0.1.1

Temill shows objects in embedded comments in source files.

4,401 下載

bugwatch 0.1

SCM history mining and code analysis platform

4,355 下載

hash_parser 0.0.2

Parses a hash string of the format `'{ :a => "something" }'` into an actual ruby has...

4,351 下載

subaltern 1.0.0

an interpreter of a subset of Ruby, written in Ruby

4,205 下載

rails_parser 0.0.1

An parser for Rails apps

4,087 下載

list_actions 0.0.1

List all your actions and export it to a CSV

4,002 下載

lorem_ipsum_test 0.0.1

lorem ipsum generator

3,958 下載

brianjlandau-doppelganger 0.8.0

Doppelganger helps you to find areas of your code that are good places to refactor. It...

3,918 下載

html2fortitude 0.0.1

Converts HTML into the Fortitude Ruby HTML-generation DSL

3,895 下載

總下載次數 123,787,256

這個版本 1,500,396




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6, < 4
