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ruby-saferpay 0.0.4

The SCAI interface is used when the merchant wishes to keep the acquirer on her/his own website for the whole duration of the transaction (client payment details transits through *both* the merchant site and the saferpay database ) whereas VT implies a redirect to the saferpay site. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * supports both common credit cards and direct debit cards ("Lastschrift") * support for VT style payments is incomplete == SYNOPSIS: Init (info from saferpay test account; they're the same for all test accounts): @pan = "9451123100000004" # Saferpay test PAN @accountid = "99867-94913159" # Saferpay test ACCOUNTID @exp = "1107" # This will change for other test accounts I guess... Might just be three months ahead of @sfp = @accountid, @pan, @exp ) Reserve: <tt>@sfp.reserve(30000, "USD")</tt> Amounts are divided by 100. We're talking cents here, not dollars... Capture last transaction: <tt>@sfp.capture</tt> Capture with a transacaton ID "4hj34hj4hh34h4j3hj4h334": <tt>@sfp.capture("4hj34hj4hh34h4j3hj4h334")</tt> == REQUIREMENTS:

= 复制到剪贴板 已复制!



  1. 0.0.9 - September 05, 2007* (18.5 KB)
  2. 0.0.8 - August 20, 2007* (18.0 KB)
  3. 0.0.7 - August 20, 2007* (18.0 KB)
  4. 0.0.5 - August 16, 2007* (15.0 KB)
  5. 0.0.4 - August 16, 2007* (14.5 KB)
显示所有版本 (共 7 个)

Runtime 依赖 (3):

hoe >= 1.3.0
hpricot > 0.0.0
log4r > 0.0.0



  • David Palm (ELC Tecnologies)

SHA 256 校验和:

= 复制到剪贴板 已复制!

下载总量 24,768

这个版本 3,367


需要的 Ruby 版本: > 0.0.0
