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ruby-openai 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ruby-openai

bullet_train 1.7.10

Bullet Train

310,491 下载

slack-smart-bot 1.15.1

Create a Slack bot that is smart and so easy to expand, create new bots on demand, run ...

129,470 下载

langchainrb 0.13.2

Build LLM-backed Ruby applications with Ruby's Langchain.rb

73,154 下载

rtfm-filemanager 3.14.159

A full featured terminal browser with syntax highlighted files, images shown in the ter...

66,082 下载

ruby_raider 0.8.7

This gem has everything you need to start working with test automation

36,232 下载

ruby-spacy 0.2.2

ruby-spacy is a wrapper module for using spaCy from the Ruby programming language via P...

34,317 下载

geekdict 0.1.1

A command line tool for translation.

15,391 下载

boxcars 0.4.10

You simply set an OpenAI key, give a number of Boxcars to a Train, and magic ensues whe...

15,272 下载

jekyll-chatgpt-translate 0.0.45

Add this plugin to your Jekyll site and all posts will be automatically translated to t...

12,973 下载

llm_memory 0.1.14

LLM Memory is a Ruby gem designed to provide large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT ...

11,756 下载

mj 0.8.0

A collection of useful commands for my personal use

9,883 下载

ruby_bots 0.2.0

Bots can use different tools to solve any number of tasks. Bots can be powered by OpenAI.

9,601 下载

nano-bots 3.1.0

Ruby Implementation of Nano Bots: small, AI-powered bots that can be easily shared as a...

8,133 下载

aia 0.5.17

A command-line AI Assistante (aia) that provides pre-compositional template prompt mana...

7,524 下载

summarize-meeting 1.5.1

A command line utility that summarizes a meeting using generative language models.

6,663 下载

bx_builder_chain 0.1.18

LangChain but for the builder tech stack.

6,289 下载

openai-please 0.2.0

Convert natural language to bash commands using OpenAI Codex

6,015 下载

ask_chatgpt 0.6.1

AI-Powered Assistant Gem right in your Rails console.

5,743 下载

chat_gpt_error_handler 0.2.3

Helpful ChatGpt hints for your Rails app

4,145 下载

gen-ai 0.4.3

GenAI allows you to easily integrate Generative AI model providers like OpenAI, Google ...

3,873 下载

open_ai_bot 0.3.0

Telegram bot for using ChatGPT, DALL-E and Whisper

3,859 下载

natsukantou 0.2.2

human language translation library for XML documents, supporting DeepL and ChatGPT

3,550 下载

openai-term 1.2.1

This is a pretty straight forward interface to OpenAI with the option to select the AI ...

3,448 下载

ai_refactor 0.5.4

Use OpenAI's ChatGPT to automate converting Rails RSpec tests to minitest (ActiveSuppor...

3,275 下载


This fastlane plugin provides an easy way to use the OpenAI GPT language model to trans...

3,126 下载

mistral_rb 0.1.7

This gem provides an easy-to-use interface for the Mistral AI API.

2,630 下载

gromit 0.1.6

gromit uses Redis and OpenAI embeddings to index your documentation

2,609 下载

ruboty-openai_chat 0.4.0

OpenAI responds to given message if any other handler does not match.

2,582 下载

newsman 0.1.14

A simple gem that gathers GitHub statistics and creates human-readable report

2,526 下载

quick_openai 0.1.3

Provides monkey patches for quick usage of GPT3 and DALLE2

2,460 下载

下载总量 12,120,118

这个版本 133,610



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
