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ruby-debug19 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ruby-debug19

jibeset 0.2

A Ruby wrapper for the jibeset REST and Search APIs

4,256 下載

vkhater-social_stream-base 0.11.2

Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...

4,249 下載

capistrano-clouddeploy 1.0.1

A Ruby library for capturing deployment configuration info from ec2 and future cloud se...

4,236 下載

old_api_resource 0.3.0

A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...

4,232 下載

retriever 0.1.0

Retriever allows caching of the result of a block. It currently supports ruby memory st...

4,207 下載

pnslurp 1.0.0

Slurps notes from the given file (notes.slurper by default) and creates ProjectNo...

4,173 下載

rack-tipi 0.1.0

Include and depend on third-party JS (and CSS) libraries

4,114 下載

rack-tipi-jquery 0.1.0

Gemify jQuery for Rack

4,099 下載

ssdiff 0.0.1

A Super Stupic Diff implementation

4,097 下載

rextract 0.1.5

A web scraping framework based on Mechanize using the Dirt pattern. See https://github....

4,087 下載

rack_page_cache 0.1.0

A rack middleware to cache requests in static files, a la Rails' page_cache

4,033 下載

fakeGenLdap 0.0.1

A fake LDAP server for use in testing

4,019 下載

rmla 1.0

An elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...

3,960 下載

tv-data-api-clients 0.0.7

Provides access to the TVDB Api, unofficially for an Api key, register at http://thetvd...

3,952 下載

interfax-ruby 0.1.2

Ruby wrapper based on savon for Interfax SOAP API

3,884 下載

undergrounder 0.1.0

Simple Implementation of a short path finder for the London Tube

3,656 下載

yetanothernguyen-shoulda-matchers 1.0.0.beta3

Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes. This fork makes validate_uniqueness_of match...

3,248 下載

codeigniter3-scaffold 1.1.0

Simple scaffold generator for codeigniter 3.1.0 now using Twitter Bootstrap templates!

2,856 下載

lab419_streams 0.1.0.pre

Implemention of streams in the classic sense where a stream is a head and a promise to ...

2,598 下載

import_products 1.0.1

spree_import_products ... imports products. From a CSV file via Spree's Admin interface

2,369 下載

omniauth-ldap-ifpe 1.0.5

A LDAP strategy for OmniAuth.

2,340 下載

總下載次數 794,934

這個版本 790,613


Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.2
