rubocop-rake 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rake
ruby_vault 0.2.0
Wraps the Vault CLI so that Vault can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
40,030 下载
arclight 1.4.0
A Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and speci...
39,960 下载
rspec-terraform 0.4.0
Helpers, contexts and matchers to support using RSpec to test Terraform configurations ...
39,775 下载
ruby_easy_rsa 0.13.0
Wraps the EasyRSA scripts so that they can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
39,631 下载
rubocop-bsm 0.6.1
Internal RuboCop plugin for BSM
39,167 下载
text_rank 1.3.1
Implementation of TextRank solution to ranked keyword extraction. See https://web.eecs...
39,053 下载
tangle 0.11.0
Tangle implements graphs of things
38,838 下载
rake_vault 0.4.0
Allows logging into and interacting with Hashicorp Vault.
38,419 下载
ruby_git_crypt 0.1.0
Wraps the git-crypt CLI so that git-crypt can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
37,943 下载
hetzner-bootstrap 2.0.1
Easy bootstrapping of rootservers using hetzner-api
37,870 下载
gnfinder 1.0.4
The gem searches for scientific names in texts using gRPC server r...
37,852 下载
nutrella 1.7.1
A command line tool for creating a Trello Board based on the current git branch.
37,832 下载
nulogy_graphql_api 4.3.0
Standard tooling for building GraphQL apis
37,428 下载
acts_as_footprintable 0.6.2
Rails gem to allowing records to leave footprints
37,378 下载
dememoize 0.1.1
A gem to clean up memoization. This is useful for testing, where you want to ensure tha...
36,889 下载
dropcaster 1.2.0
Dropcaster is a podcast feed generator for the command line. It is most simple to use w...
36,703 下载
pandoc2review 2.0.0
It provides Re:VIEW Writer/Filter for Pandoc, and Ruby script to make it easier to handle.
36,309 下载
dry-stack 0.1.22
Dry docker swarm stack definition
35,897 下载
lite-command 3.3.2
Ruby Command based framework (aka service objects)
35,870 下载
hotch 0.7.0
Callstack and memory profiler
35,575 下载
uptrace 1.5.0
Uptrace Ruby exporter for OpenTelemetry
35,536 下载
onlyoffice_rspec_result_parser 1.0.0
Gem to parse rspec results. Needed in wrata project
34,297 下载
labclient 0.7.0
Gitlab API Client.
34,213 下载
panolint 0.1.6
Rules for linting code at Panorama Education
34,132 下载
balboa_worldwide_app 2.1.7
Library for communication with Balboa Water Group's WiFi module or RS-485
33,846 下载
resque-job_timeout 0.0.3
Resque plugin allowing long-running jobs to automatically fail after a specified time.
33,658 下载
sip2 0.2.4
3M™ Standard Interchange Protocol v2 client implementation in Ruby
33,559 下载
locasms 1.1.0
Cliente para o serviço de disparo de SMS da LocaSMS e de sua ...
33,409 下载
jwt_keeper 6.1.3
A managing interface layer for handling the creation and validation of JWTs
33,366 下载
opentracing-instrumentation 0.2.1
OpenTracing instrumentation for Bunny, Faraday, Hutch, Mongo, PORO, Rack, Sidekiq, Sina...
32,704 下载