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rubocop-rake 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rake

rmodbus 2.1.2

RModBus - free implementation of protocol ModBus

347,368 下载

sinatra-r18n 5.0.2

A Sinatra extension that provides i18n support to translate your web application. I...

344,152 下载

fastlane-plugin-forsis 0.5.0

This plugin produces generic test execution reports supported by SonarQube from JUnit t...

340,731 下载

lokalise_manager 5.1.1

This gem contains a collection of some common tasks for Lokalise. Specifically, it allo...

330,748 下载

apt_stage_artifacts 0.11.0

Stages .deb artifacts to a remote freight repository

319,332 下载

pkcs7-cryptographer 1.1.1

Utility to encrypt and decrypt messages using OpenSSL::PKCS7

314,969 下载


This gem provides default rubocop settings for Umbrellio projects

297,315 下载

dartsass-ruby 3.0.2

Use Dart Sass with Ruby

295,806 下载

onlyoffice_logger_helper 1.3.0

Simple logging gem for ONLYOFFICE projects. Used in QA

295,699 下载

safe_timeout 1.0.0

A safer alternative to Ruby's Timeout that uses unix processes instead of threads.

286,746 下载

eco-helpers 3.0.14

eco-helpers to manage people api cases

281,282 下载

page_title_helper 8.0.0

Simple, internationalized and DRY page titles and headings for Rails.

269,873 下载

rubocop-betterment 1.19.0

Betterment rubocop configuration

262,128 下载

contrast-agent 7.6.1

This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...

262,055 下载

oxidized 0.30.1

software to fetch configuration from network devices and store them

260,967 下载

asetus 0.4.0

configuration library with object access to YAML/JSON/TOML backends

259,287 下载

fastlane-plugin-flutter 0.8.0

Flutter actions plugin for Fastlane

257,174 下载

voxpupuli-test 9.1.0

A package that depends on all the gems Vox Pupuli modules need and methods to simplify ...

247,197 下载

concourse.rb 0.5.0

A Ruby SDK for the Concourse CI API.

240,876 下载

circleci-bundle-update-pr 5.0.6

Create GitHub PullRequest of bundle update in CircleCI

239,524 下载

steno 1.3.5

A thread-safe logging library designed to support multiple log destinations.

233,181 下载

leftovers 0.12.2

Find unused methods and classes/modules

230,122 下载

armitage-rubocop 1.59.0

A set of rubocop settings used in my own projects.Support for: vanilla ruby, rspec, rails.

229,589 下载

cocina-models 0.99.0

SDR data models that can be validated

227,395 下载

currency_select 7.0.0

Currency select plugin for Rails

224,576 下载

rubicure 3.3.3

All about Japanese battle heroine "Pretty Cure (Precure)".

218,390 下载

active_record_mysql_xverify 0.4.0

It is a library that performs extended verification when an error occurs when executing...

217,665 下载

rake_leiningen 0.38.0

Rake tasks for common leiningen commands allowing a leiningen project to be managed as ...

217,312 下载

erp_integration 0.52.0

Connects Mejuri with third-party ERP vendors

215,537 下载

betterlint 1.14.0

Betterment rubocop configuration

210,684 下载

下载总量 17,184,978

这个版本 14,347,300




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
