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rubocop-rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rails

solidus_cmd 1.4.0

tools to create new Solidus extensions

13,641 下载

vehiculum-codestyle 0.1.2

Vehiculum style guides and shared style configs.

13,606 下载

team_fastlane-rubocop 1.2.9

Gem for an internal project

13,262 下载

rubopolis 0.0.6

All custom rubocop for Rails project

13,072 下载

rubopolis 0.0.6

All custom rubocop for Rails project

13,072 下载

rubocop-katalyst 2.0.1

Code standards for Katalyst

13,029 下载

rubocul 4.0.11

Recommended Rubocop configuration for Ruby projects created by the Columbia University ...

12,891 下载

rubocop-recorrido 0.3.0

Rubocop setup used by RecorridoCL

12,859 下载

sort_n_params 1.2.4

Make your html sortables with N parameters this gem.

12,826 下载

keypairs 1.3.3

Manage application level keypairs with automatic rotation and JWT support

12,730 下载

ergomentum_rubocop 0.15.0

Rubocop style checking for ERGOMENTUM projects.

12,609 下载

simplecov_linter_formatter 0.2.0

Linter formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool

12,606 下载

solidus_billing_address 0.0.7

Modifies Spree::Address to allow customer to enter VAT Number, codice fiscale (personal...

12,553 下载

active_analysis 0.5.0

Collection of Active Storage analyzers

12,425 下载

pricehubble 1.1.0

Ruby client for the PriceHubble REST API

12,398 下载

activerecord-mysql-uuid-column 0.6.0

Adds a :uuid column to ActiveRecord MySQL2 Adapter. Store UUIDs as 16 bytes binary column.

11,926 下载

authorizy 0.5.0

A JSON based Authorization.

11,868 下载

service_record 1.4.2

ActiveRecord lookalike but for business model requirements

11,846 下载

immoscout 1.5.0

Ruby client for the Immobilienscout24 REST API

11,779 下载

rubocop-katana 1.0.3

Katana's internal Rubocop style guide checks

11,716 下载

companion_cube 0.2.5

Companion Cube client

11,675 下载

filterameter 0.7.0

Declare filters in Rails controllers to increase readability and reduce boilerplate code.

11,463 下载

simplecov_text_formatter 0.1.0

Text formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool

11,361 下载

vitals_image 0.5.0

Image tags that conform with web vitals

11,216 下载

filex 0.1.8

Load a text file, yaml fortmat file and eruby format file and expand it.

11,185 下载

catalcop 0.3.5

Code style checking for Catal Ruby repositories.

11,084 下载

active_record_to_hash 1.5.1

Add a `to_hash` method that can acquire the relations to the active record.

11,037 下载

archival_record 3.0.1

*Atomic archiving/unarchiving for ActiveRecord* acts_as_paranoid and similar plugins/g...

10,963 下载

smokeclouds-rubocop 0.1.6

A kept up-to-date rubocop configuration from an experienced ruby dev

10,888 下载

ruboconf-rails 1.14.0

Opinionated RuboCop Rails configuration for personal projects.

10,788 下载

下载总量 153,665,666

这个版本 2,105,421



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
