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rubocop-rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rails

localized_controllers 0.2.0

Bring automagic localization to controllers. That's inspired by Localized Views in Rails.

3,536 下载

hlrubo 0.2.0

Homelight Shared Ruby Style Guides

3,429 下载

rails-queue-it 0.2.0

This gem allows you to queue objects through a simple to use interface.

3,413 下载

remote_i18n_extension 1.0.9

Support remote fetching of locales

3,317 下载

i18n_date_range 2.1.2

Add a new helper to display properly a date range (ex: From 8 to 9 September 2023)

3,266 下载

janus-ar 0.15.2

Read/Write proxy for ActiveRecord using primary/replica databases

3,201 下载

factory_manager 0.4.0

A factory manager of factory bots.

3,124 下载

spina-admin-conferences-accounts 0.1.1

Implements devise accounts into SpinaCMS.

3,116 下载

kuroko2-updater 0.1.2

A tool to manage kuroko2 job-definitions based on a schedule.rb file

3,082 下载

timescaledb-rails 0.1.6

TimescaleDB Rails integration

3,080 下载

sql_attributes 1.0.0

Add virtual attributes to an ActiveRecord model based on an SQL query.

3,005 下载

sashite-rubocop 1.0.3

Shared RuboCop config used by Sashité's Ruby projects 👮🏾

2,909 下载

dpop 0.1.3

Implementation of DPoP (Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer) for...

2,811 下载

rubocop-next 1.0.7

Rubocop configuration

2,791 下载

boltless 1.3.0

neo4j driver, via the HTTP API

2,773 下载

rubocop-hint 0.4.0

Hint's shared Rubocop style guide

2,760 下载

zammad-szpm 0.2.4

This gem provides a class to parse, manipulate and store SZPM files and create ZPM stri...

2,637 下载

tiny_filter 0.3.1

Simple filtering for ActiveRecord, Sequel and enumerables.

2,604 下载

osbc 0.2.0

Outerspace Web Blockchain Framework implementation in Ruby using Rails, Docker and Fire...

2,569 下载

softmaker-rubocop-rspec 0.0.0

Softmaker rubocop configuration

2,482 下载

password_breach_alert 0.1.0

Password Breach Alert is a Devise extension that adds 1) server-side check of password ...

2,478 下载

birdsong 0.2.7

A gem to interface with Twitter's API V2

2,475 下载

wallaby-cop 0.1.0

Rubocop configuration for Wallaby projects

2,423 下载

kuyio-rubocop 0.2.1 shared rubocop configuration.

2,388 下载

sbmt-kafka_consumer 2.6.0

This gem is used for consuming Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Karafka gem...

2,281 下载

rubocop-pave 0.1.3

Pave shared rubocop configs.

2,273 下载

rubocop-inspire 0.0.1

Inspire Ruby Style Guide

2,238 下载

angellist-style 1.0.2

Contains rubocop style decisions to be used across all Ruby projects.

2,230 下载

webhooks-rails 0.1.0

A Rails engine to configure and deliver webhooks.

2,190 下载

practical-pig 1.0.0

Practical Pig is an opinionated Ruby on Rails template that makes use of webpacker-pnpm...

2,185 下载

下载总量 154,732,695

这个版本 163,659



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
