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rubocop-rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rails

crown_marketplace_utils 0.1.0.beta.8

A Gem containing shared code for the CCS Crown Marketplace projects, for example view h...

5,061 下载

vimo 0.1.3

Allow to your users create and customize their own virtual models

5,061 下载

jets-rubocop 0.1.5

RuboCop plugins and configuration for Jets

5,050 下载

mass_encryption 0.1.1

Encrypt data in mass with Active Record Encryption

5,042 下载

awesome_backup 0.0.1

Make backups of your stuff in a simple way.

5,017 下载

upennlib-rubocop 1.2.0

UPenn Libraries Rubocop Configuration

4,913 下载

commsworld-house-style 2.0.0

Commsworld House Style: A centralised store of house style rules.

4,711 下载

memcacher 0.0.2

Better memcache integration for Rails.

4,698 下载

rubocop-digitalhospital 0.3.0

A rubocop style guide

4,683 下载

correspondent 1.0.1

Dead simple configurable user notifications with little overhead.

4,672 下载

sortable_by 1.0.2

Adds capabilities to create sortable table headers and connect them to an ActiveRecord ...

4,672 下载

linked_rails-auth 0.0.4

Easily use devise and doorkeeper in LinkedRails projects

4,470 下载

rubocop-safe_todo_searcher 0.1.3

Search for Cops that can be automatically modified among the Cops listed in .rubocop_to...

4,453 下载

repo_analyzer 1.6.0

Rails engine to extract technical debt

4,439 下载

geolocation_service 0.1.2

Geolocation importer service

4,296 下载

rubocop-hixonrails 1.1.0

RuboCop configuration with the following extensions: - rubocop-rails, - rubocop...

4,184 下载

anchormodel 0.2.1

Bringing object-oriented programming to Rails enums

4,136 下载

dsfr-view-components 1.5.1

A collection of components based on ViewComponent intended to ease the building of we...

4,129 下载

active_monitoring 0.1.1

This is an example gem used in my RailsConf 2020 talk. Please don't use in production! ...

4,021 下载

rush_job 0.6.1

Rails web interface for delayed_job using Rails::Engine.

3,963 下载

to_j 0.2.0

Fast JSON serializer for Rails based on Jbuilder and concept of views.

3,956 下载

mlh-rubocop-config 1.0.3

MLH Rubocop Config is a customized set of rules and guidelines for Ruby code.

3,884 下载

solidus_extension_dev_tools 0.1.1

Development tools for Solidus extensions.

3,827 下载

api_guardian 1.0.0.pre.beta1

Drop in authorization and authentication suite for Rails APIs. Features include use...

3,813 下载

active_manageable 0.2.0

Framework for business logic classes in a Ruby on Rails application

3,789 下载

devise-secure-password 1.1.2

Adds configurable password policy enforcement to devise.

3,777 下载

federal_offense 0.1.2

Federal Offense intercepts outbound emails in Rails and allows you to preview them in a...

3,771 下载

sbmt-outbox 6.6.0

A service that uses a relational database inserts messages/events into an outbox table ...

3,731 下载

passkeys-rails 0.3.1

Devise is awesome, but we don't need all that UI/UX for PassKeys. This gem is to make i...

3,569 下载

compony 0.4.0

Compony is a Gem that allows you to write your Rails application in component-style fas...

3,546 下载

下载总量 154,526,083

这个版本 134,161



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
