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rubocop-rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rails

foreman_kernel_care 2.0.0

This plugin removes kernel trace and update the kernel package version if KernelCare pa...

7,138 下载

paperkite-rubocop 1.3.1

PaperKite's shared Rubocop configuration

7,131 下载

paperkite-rubocop 1.3.1

PaperKite's shared Rubocop configuration

7,131 下载

okcomputer-checks 1.2.0

Collection health-check for okcomputer

7,041 下载

mais-access 2.1.2

mais-access provides a simple yet secure HTTP(S) authentication barrier for application...

6,891 下载

sql_to_csv_stream 0.3.0

A shortcut to the COPY command from PostgreSQL. Give it SQL and get an Enumerator for t...

6,842 下载

rubocop-tanmer 0.3.0

Code style checking for Tanmer projects.

6,835 下载

auctify 1.1.5

Gem for adding auction behavior to models.

6,791 下载

search_autocomplete 0.1.3

Search and autocomplete based on Arel and WebComponents.

6,779 下载

rubomatic-rails 1.4.0

Shared rails rubocop config for BrandsInsurance

6,769 下载

rubocop-rubomatic-rails 1.4.0

Shared rails rubocop config for BrandsInsurance

6,718 下载

va-ruby-style 0.2.0

Visible Alpha's ruby style keeps a centralized set of linter rules for the ruby program...

6,629 下载

rubocop-commsworld 0.4.0

Commsworld rubocop config and cops

6,625 下载

awesome_counter_cache 0.0.3

Counter caching with a bit more for Rails

6,530 下载

renuocop 0.7.0

Renuo default style guide, linter, and formatter.

6,433 下载

thredded-workgroup 0.4.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

6,102 下载

gotoinc-standard 1.0.2

Standard RuboCop configuration for GoToInc

6,090 下载

rdux 0.8.0

Write apps that are easy to test. Rdux gives you a possibility to centralize your app's...

5,953 下载

gdpr_admin 1.9.0

Engine for managing GDPR processes.

5,672 下载

yardi 5.0.1

A ruby client for v4 of Yardi's API

5,570 下载

fixings 0.1.2

Easy rails setup with infrastructure and a bunch of handy correctness pieces

5,531 下载

activemodel-ip_address_validator 0.1.1

ActiveModel validator for ip address.

5,511 下载

on-ruby-linter 0.2.0

Base rubocop configuration

5,502 下载

nonstandard 0.1.4

Opinionated Style Guide

5,448 下载

ruboguide 1.0.0

Ruboguide is all you need to add rubocop to your project. It standardizes the rubocop v...

5,387 下载

rubocop-treatwell 0.2.1

Treatwell::RubyStyle provides a set of shared style guide used across all Treatwell Rub...

5,337 下载

omniauth-doximity-oauth2 1.5.0

OmniAuth strategy for Doximity, supporting OIDC, and using PKCE

5,297 下载

degica-style 0.1.2

Degica style guides

5,243 下载

rubocop_payapp 0.1.1

RuboCop cops used at payapp.

5,234 下载

cookpad-performance 0.3.3

Provides a set of performance tools for our Rails apps

5,221 下载

下载总量 154,126,027

这个版本 82,486



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
