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Dépendances inversées pour rubocop-rails Latest version of the following gems require rubocop-rails

activerecord-creating_foreign_keys 0.2.0

`activerecord-creating_foreign_keys` defines FOREIGN KEY Constraints in a CREATE TABLE ...

13 891 Téléchargements

solidus_cmd 1.4.0

tools to create new Solidus extensions

13 656 Téléchargements

vehiculum-codestyle 0.1.2

Vehiculum style guides and shared style configs.

13 636 Téléchargements

team_fastlane-rubocop 1.2.9

Gem for an internal project

13 374 Téléchargements

rubocop-katalyst 2.0.1

Code standards for Katalyst

13 113 Téléchargements

rubopolis 0.0.6

All custom rubocop for Rails project

13 075 Téléchargements

rubopolis 0.0.6

All custom rubocop for Rails project

13 075 Téléchargements

rubocul 4.0.11

Recommended Rubocop configuration for Ruby projects created by the Columbia University ...

12 941 Téléchargements

rubocop-recorrido 0.3.0

Rubocop setup used by RecorridoCL

12 882 Téléchargements

sort_n_params 1.2.4

Make your html sortables with N parameters this gem.

12 853 Téléchargements

keypairs 1.3.3

Manage application level keypairs with automatic rotation and JWT support

12 762 Téléchargements

simplecov_linter_formatter 0.2.0

Linter formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool

12 707 Téléchargements

ergomentum_rubocop 0.15.0

Rubocop style checking for ERGOMENTUM projects.

12 651 Téléchargements

solidus_billing_address 0.0.7

Modifies Spree::Address to allow customer to enter VAT Number, codice fiscale (personal...

12 574 Téléchargements

active_analysis 0.5.0

Collection of Active Storage analyzers

12 447 Téléchargements

pricehubble 1.1.0

Ruby client for the PriceHubble REST API

12 426 Téléchargements

activerecord-mysql-uuid-column 0.6.0

Adds a :uuid column to ActiveRecord MySQL2 Adapter. Store UUIDs as 16 bytes binary column.

11 939 Téléchargements

authorizy 0.5.0

A JSON based Authorization.

11 903 Téléchargements

service_record 1.4.2

ActiveRecord lookalike but for business model requirements

11 882 Téléchargements

immoscout 1.5.0

Ruby client for the Immobilienscout24 REST API

11 804 Téléchargements

rubocop-katana 1.0.3

Katana's internal Rubocop style guide checks

11 738 Téléchargements

companion_cube 0.2.5

Companion Cube client

11 684 Téléchargements

filterameter 0.7.0

Declare filters in Rails controllers to increase readability and reduce boilerplate code.

11 506 Téléchargements

simplecov_text_formatter 0.1.0

Text formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool

11 459 Téléchargements

vitals_image 0.5.0

Image tags that conform with web vitals

11 237 Téléchargements

filex 0.1.8

Load a text file, yaml fortmat file and eruby format file and expand it.

11 205 Téléchargements

catalcop 0.3.5

Code style checking for Catal Ruby repositories.

11 105 Téléchargements

active_record_to_hash 1.5.1

Add a `to_hash` method that can acquire the relations to the active record.

11 074 Téléchargements

archival_record 3.0.1

*Atomic archiving/unarchiving for ActiveRecord* acts_as_paranoid and similar plugins/g...

11 015 Téléchargements

ruboconf-rails 1.15.0

Opinionated RuboCop Rails configuration for personal projects.

10 925 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 154 249 837

Pour cette version 96 644



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
