RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour rubocop-rails Latest version of the following gems require rubocop-rails

tb_core 1.5.4

Twice Baked Core Engine

117 966 Téléchargements

solidus_dev_support 2.9.0

Development tools for Solidus extensions.

113 870 Téléchargements

makandra-rubocop 12.1.0

A relaxed set of default Rubocop settings to use across makandra projects.

113 498 Téléchargements

mad_rubocop 4.0.0

Wrapper for MX specific RuboCop settings for managing custom settings across many proje...

111 923 Téléchargements

rubocop_challenger 2.11.1

Make a clean your rubocop_todo.yml with CI

110 470 Téléchargements

spree_dev_tools 0.2.3

Spree Developer Tools

108 531 Téléchargements

rf-stylez 1.1.1

Configurations for Rubocop and other style enforcers/linters

105 900 Téléchargements

ndr_dev_support 7.2.4

Provides support to developers of NDR projects

104 549 Téléchargements

station 0.5.16

Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.

100 877 Téléchargements

theforeman-rubocop 0.1.2

Shared Rubocop configuration for family of projects.

96 438 Téléchargements

rubocop-itsmycargo 21.08.43

RuboCop Styles and Configuration for ItsMyCargo.

90 314 Téléchargements

dynamic_scaffold 2.0.1

It is customizable and flexible scaffold who support sort and the pagination.

90 262 Téléchargements

easy_style 0.6.2

Rubocop configs

88 544 Téléchargements

salsify_rubocop 1.59.0

Shared RuboCop configuration

87 443 Téléchargements

normalizy 1.7.0

Attribute normalizer for Rails.

85 871 Téléchargements

rubocop-powerhome 0.5.2

Powerhome Rubocop standard rules

83 542 Téléchargements

buoys 2.1.0

A Ruby on Rails breadcrumbs plugin.

83 150 Téléchargements

tablesmith 0.6.2

Minimal console table

79 854 Téléchargements

br_documents 0.2.5

Validates brazilian documents like CPF, CNPJ and IE.

77 609 Téléchargements

csv_step_importer 0.15.3

Import your CSV files in multiple steps

77 390 Téléchargements

redmine_airbrake_backend 1.4.1

Plugin which adds Airbrake support to Redmine

77 225 Téléchargements

rewind-ruby-style 2.0.0

Gem containing the config files for style chekers that corresponds to the implementatio...

76 747 Téléchargements

lifen-ruby-style 1.4.2

Lifen style guides and shared style configs.

76 000 Téléchargements

shopify-gold 6.0.1

Gold is Helium's approach to billing for Shopify apps. It provides a framework to build...

75 930 Téléchargements

activerecord-time 0.22.0

A handler for storing TimeOfDay objects in ActiveRecord objects as sql time values.

75 771 Téléchargements

temporal_tables 3.0.1

Easily recall what your data looked like at any point in the past! TemporalTables s...

73 283 Téléchargements

rubocop-nosolosoftware 1.18.0

Default Rubocop configuration used in NoSoloSoftware developments

70 440 Téléchargements

dynamo-record 1.4.3

Extensions to Aws::Record for working with DynamoDB.

70 167 Téléchargements

datarockets-style 1.5.0

Datarockets style guides and shared style configs

68 021 Téléchargements

disco_app 0.18.6

Rails engine for Shopify applications.

65 782 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 148 376 675

Pour cette version 379 048



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
