RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour rubocop-rails Latest version of the following gems require rubocop-rails

smokeclouds-rubocop 0.1.6

A kept up-to-date rubocop configuration from an experienced ruby dev

10 917 Téléchargements

ephemeron 0.6.1

Ephemeron improves the performance of your app. It takes on itself the persistence of t...

10 718 Téléchargements

umarell 1.5.0

All in one Ruby static code analyzer

10 645 Téléchargements

rubocop-dubit 1.2.1

Shared RuboCop rules for Ruby projects at Dubit

10 585 Téléchargements

redis_hash_store 1.0.0

An addition to Rails's redis_cache_store to allow youto easily use Redis hashes for cac...

10 549 Téléchargements

graphql-sources 1.2.0

Common loaders for various database or cache operations.

10 319 Téléchargements

switchcop 0.1.7

Gem containing the rubocop.yml config for Switch Dreams` style guide for Ruby.

10 318 Téléchargements

chart_bibz 0.1.2

ChartJs with ruby.

10 208 Téléchargements

cruft_tracker 0.2.4

Have you ever asked yourself, "Is this method even being used?!" Or, "What the heck is ...

10 191 Téléchargements

cul_hydra_models 0.1.5

Hydra models for CUL repository apps.

9 973 Téléchargements

cookbook 0.1.6

Cookbook allows you to associate instructions with components in a cross referenced way...

9 854 Téléchargements

conversejs 3.5.0

Converse.js for your Rails application

9 765 Téléchargements

safety_goggles 2.2.1

Rails error handler that integrates with Sentry and generates 4xx error responses

9 736 Téléchargements

moca_rlibs 0.0.9

A toolset for ruby and rails.

9 558 Téléchargements

rubocop-rickselby 0.33.0

Code styling for my projects

9 514 Téléchargements

activerecord-ignored_columns 0.2.1

Backport of ActiveRecord::Base.ignored_columns into Rails 4 and 5.0

9 429 Téléchargements

simplecov_url 1.0.3

The gem publishes Simplecov's test coverage reports to your_url/simplecov.

9 250 Téléchargements

dvla-lint 1.7.1

The standard Rubocop rules for the DVLA

8 843 Téléchargements

webpacker-pnpm 1.2.3

webpacker-pnpm minimizes dependency hell, improves code quality stability, and reduces ...

8 745 Téléchargements

spina-admin-conferences-fork 3.0.0

Keep track of conference attendees and presentations with this plugin.

8 583 Téléchargements

sn_filterable 3.0.0

This gem adds a ViewComponent powered filtering component for searching and filtering y...

8 474 Téléchargements

cdx 0.0.4

Cdx is a ready to use admin panel with embedded components.

8 164 Téléchargements

rakeman 0.2.0

This gem allow to manage your project rake tasks.

8 134 Téléchargements

generic_job 0.2.1

Run instance and class methods in the background jobs with ease.

8 099 Téléchargements

api_maker 0.0.3

A Rails gem for generating a JavaScript API automatically based on your ActiveRecord mo...

7 723 Téléchargements

devise_jwt_controllers 0.1.3

A gem to generate documentation out of tests.

7 680 Téléchargements

alarmable 1.1.0

This is a reusable alarm concern for Active Recordmodels. It adds support for the autom...

7 670 Téléchargements

countless 1.2.0

This gem includes reusable code statistics / annotations helpers / Rake tasks.

7 484 Téléchargements

platform-style 0.3.0

Disco Labs style guides for Platform projects

7 324 Téléchargements

archfiend 0.1.2

A tool to simplify creation and development of Ruby daemons.

7 244 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 154 621 265

Pour cette version 146 955



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
