RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-collection_matchers La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-collection_matchers

puppet-lint-non_erb_template_filename-check 0.1.0

Extends puppet-lint to ensure all filenames used in template functions end with the...

3.813 Descargas

camara 0.1.0

Camara é uma biblioteca para acesso aos webservices da Camera dos Deputados.

3.737 Descargas

rails_newsfeed 0.0.4

News Feed module for ruby

3.694 Descargas

axel 0.0.1

Building blocks and general helpers for platform services

3.685 Descargas

barchart 0.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3.616 Descargas

puppet-lint-exec_idempotent-check 0.0.5

A puppet-lint plugin to check for idepotency with exec resources.

3.553 Descargas

ipcrypt 1.0.1

Ruby implementation of the format-preserving IPCrypt encryption algorithm for IPv4 addr...

3.541 Descargas

simple_payment 0.1.2

Payment library seeking to make payment interactions simple and reusable.

3.511 Descargas

opennorth-represent 0.1.0

Ruby Client for's API

3.481 Descargas

gem_metadata 0.1.0

GemMetadata is a Ruby library that allows to filter and access gems by custom metadata ...

3.464 Descargas

docker_map 0.1.0

Visualize docker image history

3.392 Descargas

puppet-lint-ec2_facts-check 0.1.0

A puppet-lint plugin to convert from ec2_* facts to ec2_metadata[].

3.381 Descargas

ds-ci_reporter_test_unit 1.0.1

NOTE: This is a fork of ci-reporter/ci_reporter_test_unit

3.372 Descargas

apress-moysklad 0.1.0

Tools for synchronization with MoySklad online-service

3.342 Descargas

puppet-lint-metrics-check 0.1.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check code quality metrics.

3.297 Descargas

swarker 0.1.0

Converts lurker schemas to swagger schema

3.290 Descargas


Checks your Puppet manifests against the Puppetlabs style guide and alerts you to any...

3.256 Descargas

wepo 0.1.0

Repository abstraction

3.254 Descargas

subscriptor_client 0.0.2

A client for the subscriptor gem.

3.218 Descargas

tag_bearer 0.0.2

Key value tagging gem for ActiveRecord models

3.215 Descargas

heroku_auto_scale 0.0.1

Simple DSL for creating scaling rules for worker dynos on Heroku

3.181 Descargas

puppet-lint-no_chaining_arrows-check 0.1.0

Extends puppet-lint to issue warnings if any chaining arrows ('->', '~>', '&l...

3.164 Descargas

menu_markup 0.1.0

MenuMarkup is a super simple markup to specify menu data in plain text. When the MenuMa...

3.156 Descargas

halyard-puppet-lint 1.2.0

Checks your Puppet manifests against the Puppetlabs style guide and alerts you to any...

3.148 Descargas

support_segment 0.0.4

Support modules for rails applications.

3.090 Descargas

user_plane 0.0.15

User component for Rails applications.

3.080 Descargas

puppet-lint-summary_comment-check 0.2.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files contain a properly formatted @summary...

3.059 Descargas

puppet-lint-legacy_fact-check 0.1.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files don't use legacy facts.

3.035 Descargas

amo_crm 0.2.2

Правильный клиент для работы c REST XML API, созданный по принципам SOLID

3.020 Descargas

assistant 0.0.2

Simple, composable services

3.019 Descargas

Total de descargas 38.074.208

Para esta versión 2.463.365

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
